[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of automobile industry in China, the number of private cars is increasing, and more car owners begin to pay attention to personalized car modification. Automobile refit has become a brand-new car culture, which has attracted wide attention of the industry because of its great business potential. Based on the research perspective of automobile refit market, this paper takes Wuhan Yuanhe Automobile Co., Ltd. as the research object and analyzes the automobile refit market by using the relevant economic theory. First of all, the basic market situation of Wuhan Yuanhe Automobile Co., Ltd. is analyzed from the aspects of the sales situation and the market problems of Land Rover and Jaguar refit parts. Secondly, in order to study the potential sales volume of the company, explore the potential market, arrange the reasonable distribution of the commodities among the regions, and the regional market share of the commodities, this paper applies the relevant economic theory. This paper explores the market demand, market competition and market problems of Wuhan Yuanhe Automobile Co., Ltd. Thirdly, on the basis of defining the standard of market segmentation, the paper puts forward the problems that should be paid attention to in market segmentation, and puts forward that we should provide perfect after-sales service to customers from the angles of maintaining contact with customers, delivering goods to our customers and three guarantees of quality. From the point of view of management decision, retail store location and the selection and employment of sales personnel, the paper puts forward some specific suggestions for market development. Finally, according to the above theoretical analysis conclusions, and from the company's business model and operation two angles, this paper puts forward specific suggestions. The author hopes that this study can accurately and comprehensively analyze the market trend and development trend of China Land Rover and Jaguar's automobile refit market so as to enhance the market competitiveness of Wuhan Yuanhe Automobile Co., Ltd.
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