[Abstract]:The knowledge and globalization of economy make the market competition become more and more fierce, and objectively require the enterprises to attach great importance to the new product development. The core condition of success of new product development is how to build a reasonable organization based on the internal and external environment, establish a scientific new product development location, implement a strategy, and effectively call various resources. Based on the background and research significance of the system description, this paper reviews the existing research on the new product-related concepts and the influence factors of the new product development. The present situation of new product development of domestic vacuum cleaner is analyzed from five aspects, such as development organization management, new development project, development performance, fund input and developer team. In this paper, the new product development environment of the domestic vacuum cleaner of the company is analyzed in detail. The paper analyzes the external environment of the industry, analyzes the internal environment of the industry, and analyzes the actual situation of the existing competitors, the potential entrants, the substitute products, the buyer's bargaining power and the supplier's bargaining power by using the five-force competition model. In turn, according to the geographical standard, the consumer factor and the market segment of the vacuum cleaner market of the product factor analyst, the market positioning of the new product development market is analyzed in combination with the current leading domestic vacuum cleaner product of the X company. At last, from the factors of development strategy, enterprise culture, organization element, management system, technical strategy, market element and capital investment, this paper analyzes the reasonable strategy of new product development of household vacuum cleaner. So as to provide the strategy support for the scientific new product development of the X-Company and other household cleaner companies in China.
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