[Abstract]:The export countries of energy products often use the means of controlling the price of energy products to realize their own political or economic demands, and the price fluctuation will usually have a sharp short-term impact on the import and export sides of the products and the economies of other countries in the world. Using the GTAP model to analyze the situation of Russia raising the price of Ukraine's natural gas, the results show that Russia's price increase to Ukraine will bring huge losses to the two countries, and at the same time, Russia's reduction of natural gas prices to China, Japan and South Korea will not reduce its domestic losses. Nor will it bring significant additional benefits to China, Japan and South Korea. The EU also has hundreds of millions of dollars in welfare losses in the price increase, and the EU's reverse supply of gas to Ukraine will not ease Ukraine's economic situation. In short, in the tide of global integration, in the face of the impact of global emergencies, no one can participate in trade alone.
【作者单位】: 东南大学经济管理学院;
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