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发布时间:2019-04-27 14:24
[Abstract]:Natural gas is a high-quality, high-efficient and important clean energy in China. It plays an important role in improving the energy structure of our country, guaranteeing energy security, controlling air pollution, alleviating energy shortage, satisfying the needs of people's livelihood, and promoting the sustainable development of national economy. Since entering the 21 century, the production, consumption and utilization of natural gas in our country have been developed rapidly, the market scale of natural gas has been continuously expanded, and natural gas marketing has become an important management link from production to consumption. It is also an important subject that must be studied seriously by natural gas production and sales enterprises. Based on this, this subject hopes to combine the marketing theory of modern market economy with the practice of our company to explore the marketing idea and marketing mode suitable for the natural gas marketing market, and through the research, we can aim at the problems faced by the company. Put forward a practical marketing strategy recommendations. This is the background and significance of this research. North China Natural Gas sales Co., Ltd. is a regional sales company directly under PetroChina, mainly operating in North China, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and other provinces and cities. The main customer base is the large and medium-sized city gas companies and all kinds of industrial and commercial enterprises in the above-mentioned area. Natural gas sales account for a large share of the natural gas market in North China. With the change of market environment, the company marketing is faced with many problems such as macro-policy adjustment, increase of competitors, squeeze of market, loss of potential customers, reduction of expected profit, and so on. Today, with the natural gas market gradually moving towards internationalization and marketization, The company urgently needs to adapt to the environment, establish a complete natural gas marketing strategy, out of the dilemma. This is the main content of this subject. This article theory summary part, mainly uses the literature analysis, carries on the arrangement to the natural gas marketing related theory, sums up. At the same time, this paper introduces the special commodity attributes of natural gas and its influence on the marketing strategy of the company, and provides theoretical guidance for the analysis and application of the following chapters. Taking the marketing strategy of North China Natural Gas sales Company as the research object, this paper introduces the marketing theory and the characteristics of natural gas marketing in order to understand the general law of natural gas marketing. The PEST method is used to analyze the macro environment of the company, the competition environment of the company is analyzed by the Porter five force model, the function orientation, the organization structure, the management status and the marketing business process of the company are introduced by the micro analysis method. Statistical analysis is used to analyze and demonstrate the company's customer classification, customer structure, and customer needs, and SWOT analysis is used to analyze the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and matrix analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. On the basis of this, this paper constructs the company's natural gas market combination marketing scheme and five marketing strategies, puts forward four safeguard measures to implement the marketing strategy, and finally emphasizes five conclusions. This paper collects a large number of practical data related to the company and carries on the research, analysis, demonstration, the paper achievement has certain reference value to the company market operation.


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