[Abstract]:At the end of the 20th century, driven by globalization and informatization, the most attractive slogan is "E-commerce". E-commerce, which can unify people's thoughts and actions in the shortest time, is a revolution in the field of global economy. E-commerce means that the main body of economic activity will no longer be limited to developed countries, but people around the world. E-commerce is globalization, the embodiment and integration of information, is the inevitable result of globalization, information development, it is changing the economic life of society, and then change the whole world. With the rapid development of information technology, the rapid development of network communication technology and the global expansion of service economy, e-commerce gradually develops to e-commerce service industry, showing the emerging characteristics of generality, virtualization, individuation and so on. The growth of service economy is bound to bring profound changes to the social mode of production, consumption prevention and trade. E-commerce is affecting every corner of the world, and it has changed the current business system. It has also profoundly changed the way people trade and consume. Data from Eli Consulting show that domestic e-commerce is growing at a rate of 100% a year. B2C e-commerce model, as the mainstream trend of business model, has shown great potential. Some urgent problems are seriously hampering its healthy development. These problems are concentrated in the low customer satisfaction, and the deep-seated reason is that there is a gap between the information asymmetry and the standard of satisfaction between the buyer and the seller. Therefore,. By introducing and evaluating the after-sales service of Haier Group's B2C e-commerce platform, this research discusses the current situation of B2C e-commerce after-sales service and the innovation of after-sales service mode, which has important theoretical and practical significance. After a comprehensive analysis of the domestic and foreign research status of after-sales service of B2C e-commerce platform, this paper determines the writing thinking of this paper. First of all, starting from the value analysis of e-commerce mode, combined with the research status of customer satisfaction, the development level and present situation of after-sales service of B2C e-commerce platform at home and abroad are described in detail. Secondly, this paper systematically introduces and evaluates the after-sales service system of Haier Group's B2C platform, comprehensively introduces the after-sales service management system of Haier Group's B2C e-commerce platform, and evaluates the internal and external environment of Haier Group. Find out its innovation point, carry on the analysis and the appraisal to the innovation point. Then according to the characteristics of after-sale service of B2C platform and the value theory and evaluation theory of after-sale service, the evaluation system of after-sales service quality of Haier Group is constructed. Combined with Haier Group after-sales service specific data and cases, reflect its after-sales service quality standards. Finally, based on the actual situation of after-sales service of Haier B2C e-commerce platform and the general situation of China's home appliance industry, the conclusion of B2C after-sales service of home appliance industry is drawn and the corresponding suggestions are put forward for the future of home appliance industry. Improve the quality of B2C after-sales service in home appliance industry, provide some reference for the development of home appliance industry under the mode of e-commerce, promote brand reputation and realize enterprise value.
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