[Abstract]:Aim: to understand the difference of R & D input and output among the three registration types (domestic capital, foreign capital, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan capital) of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises in China, so as to provide reference for improving the R & D capability of the whole pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. Methods: according to the data published in the Statistical Yearbook of China's High-tech Industry from 2010 to 2013, the R & D indexes of three registered types of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises in China from 2009 to 2012 were classified and analyzed. Results: in terms of the average R & D investment of enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises have the full-time equivalent of R & D personnel, the number of R & D personnel, the proportion of R & D personnel to the average number of employees, the internal expenditure of R & D funds and the proportion of R & D funds to the main business income. The number of enterprises with R & D activities accounted for the highest proportion of the total number of enterprises, followed by foreign-funded enterprises, and domestic enterprises were the lowest. Among the indexes of R & D output, foreign-funded enterprises have the best performance in terms of sales income of new products, followed by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises, and domestic enterprises have the lowest performance. In terms of the ratio of new product sales revenue to main business income and the average number of effective invention patents of enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises performed the best, foreign-funded enterprises followed by foreign-funded enterprises, and domestic enterprises showed the lowest performance. Conclusion: domestic enterprises are insufficient in R & D input and output. Therefore, it should strengthen the innovation input in talents and funds, stimulate the enterprise innovation culture, increase the sales income of new products, and improve the knowledge output of enterprises, in order to improve the R & D ability of domestic enterprises in Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.
【作者单位】: 沈阳药科大学工商管理学院;
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