[Abstract]:The development of urban industry in arid area is increasingly constrained by the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources and serious pollution of water environment. It is of great significance to estimate the degree of water consumption in industrial departments from the perspective of water footprint, and then optimize the industrial structure in order to achieve the goal of saving water and reducing pollution. It is of great significance for cities in arid areas to take a new road of industrialization. In this paper, the industrial water footprint model and the multi-objective optimization model based on water footprint are constructed, and the oasis city of Urumqi in arid area is selected as the typical case area to study the water footprint of each department in the industry. On this basis, the cluster analysis of the industrial sector is carried out. According to the clustering results and Urumqi industrial development planning, the optimization scheme of industrial development in the future study area is discussed by using the optimization model. The results show that: (1) based on the industrial added value, blue and ash water footprint of each industrial sector, Urumqi industrial sector can be divided into four categories: strong economic contribution, strong water consumption, strong pollution, strong economic contribution, weak water consumption, weak pollution, weak economic contribution, strong water consumption and strong pollution. 2 based on the classification results, Through optimization analysis, the sustainable development model is determined as the basic scheme for the future development of Urumqi industry. Under this model, the industrial water footprint of Urumqi in 2015 is 313 million m3, in which the blue water footprint is 72 million m3, the ash water footprint is 241 million m3, the total industrial output value is 234 billion yuan, and the added value is 134.2 billion yuan. Compared with other situations, Urumqi has a blue water footprint and a lower gray water footprint. The characteristics of high level of industrial input and output. 3 specifically, Urumqi industry should develop the mining and selection industry with strong economic contribution, weak water consumption and weak pollution. Actively cultivate weak economic contributions, weak water consumption, weak pollution industries to high input-output, environmentally friendly industries, including: food industry, beverage industry, textile industry, furniture industry, non-metal industry, equipment industry, machinery and utensils industry and so on. Guide oil coking industry, power, heat and water production and supply industry, metal industry and other strong water consumption, strong pollution industry to water saving and pollution reduction mode transformation.
【作者单位】: 新疆财经大学旅游学院;中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所;
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