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发布时间:2018-01-11 03:15

  本文关键词:中国服务业承接FDI与国际外包的技术溢出效应比较 出处:《东华大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 服务业FDI 国际服务外包 技术溢出比较

【摘要】:随着全球服务业的飞速发展,服务业的跨国转移已成为经济全球化的一个重要部分,作为新兴的发展中国家,我国已经以承接服务业跨国转移东道国的身份逐渐融入了这一进程。与此同时,信息技术的飞速发展使得服务业跨国转移的方式逐渐多元化,从20世纪90年代服务业FDI占据主导地位,到新兴的国际服务外包盛行,两种转移模式并存已经引起了学术界的普遍关注。但两者在形式和内容上、行业结构上、技术密集度上及人力资本需求程度上的差异使他们对作为承接国的中国具有不同的技术提升效应,并且两者之间还存在某种内在联系。本文旨在通过理论分析和实证分析等手段对两种承接模式进行技术溢出效应的比较,进而为中国制定技术最大化的承接政策提供理论依据。 全文主体主要分为三个部分:首先从服务业FDI和国际服务外包的概念及两者间区别出发,研究两者技术效应差距的原因;接着基于柯布道格拉斯函数,建立计量模型对两种承接模式的技术外溢效应进行比较,得到一个用以技术溢出比较的具体模型形式;以此为基础,利用中国服务业数据将计量模型量化,得到两种模式的技术溢出效应在服务业总体层面和行业部门层面之间的不同比较结果,作为补充,推测并验证了服务业FDI对承接国际服务外包的促进作用,再分析这种作用对技术溢出效应比较结果的影响,使得基于FATs (Foreign Affiliate In Services)的FDI成为了政策制定中必须要考虑到的另一个方面;最终以比较结果为根据,提出使中国在承接服务业FDI和国际服务业外包两种模式中技术最大化的政策建议。 研究结果表明:第一,服务业FDI和国际服务外包本质和形式上的不同决定了两者对承接国呈现出不同的技术溢出效应;第二,对中国而言,服务业总体和传统服务业层面FDI具有更高的技术提升效应,而新兴服务业层面国际服务外包更能提升技术水平,行业分布差异使得政策制定也具有行业部门的区别;第三,基于FATs的FDI对承接国际服务外包有促进作用,在新兴服务部门促进对此类型FDI的引入更能提升中国的技术水平。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of global service industry, international transfer of the service industry has become an important part of economic globalization, as a new developing country, China has to undertake international services transfer host identity gradually integrated into the process. At the same time, the rapid development of information technology makes the service multinational transfer mode gradually diversified, occupy the dominant position from 1990s services FDI, international service outsourcing to emerging popularity, the coexistence of two kinds of transfer mode has attracted widespread attention in the academic circles. But both in form and content, industry structure, differences in technology intensive and human capital demand extent so that they have different technology promoting effect to undertake as a country Chinese, and also some internal relations between them. Through theoretical analysis and empirical analysis in the two The comparison of technology spillover effects is carried out in this model, which provides a theoretical basis for China to formulate a technology maximization policy.
The main text is divided into three parts: firstly, the concept and service industry both from the FDI and the difference of international service outsourcing, studies the reasons both technology effect gap; then based on Cobb Douglas function, an econometric model to undertake two kinds of mode of the technology spillover effect comparison, a specific form of the model the comparison of technology spillover; on this basis, the use of China services data quantification, get the technology spillover effect of the two modes in the service industry overall level and industry level between different comparison results, as a supplement, and verify the conjecture of FDI in service industry on international service outsourcing promotion effects further analysis of this effect on the technology spillover effect comparison results, which is based on FATs (Foreign Affiliate In Services FDI) has become a policy must be considered in the On the other hand, based on the comparative results, we put forward policy recommendations to maximize China's technology in the two modes of FDI outsourcing and international service outsourcing.
The results show that: first, FDI in service industry and international service outsourcing and nature of different forms of both decided to undertake country presents the technology spillover effect of different; second, the China, service industry and traditional service industry, the overall level of FDI has higher technology promotion effect, while new services international service level outsourcing can enhance the level of technology, industry distribution difference makes policy difference with industry sector; third, based on the FATs FDI to promote the role of international service outsourcing, in the emerging service sector to promote the introduction of this type of FDI can improve the technology level of China.



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