发布时间:2018-02-04 16:15
本文关键词: 互联网支付 第三方支付 电子商务 出处:《厦门大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:经过十多年的发展,互联网支付从当年的高、新、尖技术,逐步进入了寻常普通民众的生活。第三方支付无论是运营规模、整体规模,还是业务发展范围等方面都发生了巨大的变化。 本文从相关战略管理学理论出发,通过文献阅读与分析、案例分析、以及定性分析与定量分析相结合等研究方法分析第三方支付行业的特点、作用,并对第三方支付的概念、市场环境、运营模式以及银行关系做了研究,在探讨整体行业发展状况的基础上,以本人所在的企业--银联电子支付公司为重点研究对象做进一步详细的研究分析。通过对银联电子支付公司业务产品、经营现状、竞争对手的分析后,利用SWOT分析、波特五力竞争力分析、蓝海战略分析等战略研究管理方法深入研究企业自身的优劣势,面临的机遇和挑战以及在整体行业和产业链中的地位,并在此基础上提出了企业战略调整的策略建议,希望通过以点带面的研究,能对整个第三方支付行业的发展提供个人的见解和建议。 第三方支付涉及互联网支付(含移动支付)业务、线下POS收单及专业化服务、储值卡支付业务,本文主要研究对象为以互联网支付(含移动支付)业务为核心业务的第三方支付平台和企业,除特别注明外,本文中所指的第三方支付所涉及的研究范围仅包括互联网支付(含移动支付)业务。
[Abstract]:After more than a decade of development, the Internet payment from that year's high, new, sharp technology, gradually into the lives of ordinary people. Third party payment, regardless of the scale of operation, the overall scale. Or business development scope and other aspects have undergone tremendous changes. Based on the theory of strategic management, this paper analyzes the characteristics and functions of third-party payment industry through literature reading and analysis, case analysis, as well as qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis combined with other research methods. And the third party payment concept, the market environment, the operation model and the bank relations have made the research, has discussed the overall industry development condition foundation. Take my company-UnionPay Electronic payment Company as the key research object to do further detailed research and analysis. Through the UnionPay Electronic payment Company business products, business status quo, competitors analysis. Using the SWOT analysis, Porter five competitive power analysis, blue sea strategic analysis and other strategic research management methods to study the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise itself. The opportunities and challenges faced as well as the position in the overall industry and industrial chain, and on this basis put forward the strategic adjustment of the strategic recommendations of the enterprise, hoping to pass the point of the study. Be able to provide personal opinions and advice on the development of the whole third party payment industry. Third-party payment involves Internet payment (including mobile payment), offline POS receipt and professional services, storage card payment business. The main research object of this paper is the third-party payment platform and enterprises which take Internet payment (including mobile payment) as the core business except specially indicated. The third party payment referred to in this paper covers only Internet payment (including mobile payment) services.
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