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发布时间:2018-03-28 12:39

  本文选题:互联网金融 切入点:风险管理 出处:《山西财经大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the expansion of the domestic Internet use range, and convenient characteristics on the network technology itself and can provide efficient and open trading conditions, the domestic financial industry is gradually integrated into the traditional elements of Internet technology. Domestic business platform is also increasingly becoming a major operation channel of the financial industry, its independent development financial innovation and continuous expansion of China's relevant service market, reversing the overall trend, the traditional domestic financial services so that the Internet financial model they boarded the stage. However, the Internet industry has always belonged to the high risk areas, and its mode of operation and operation time is short, in all aspects of management and supervision. Its facilities to its development speed is consistent, so the financial risk will make it difficult to estimate the hidden patterns. Thus, the use of paper With research method, comparative analysis and empirical analysis, from the concept of Internet banking, on the classification and characteristics, deeply explains the basic situation of the current mode, including all kinds of risk revealing hidden, and make specific solutions to various risks. The article basically can be divided into the following several parts: first chapter basically expounds the research background of the article, and the value of the current domestic and international research situation, research methods, contents, characteristics and innovations. The second chapter is an overview of Internet financial model, this chapter basically from the concept and characteristics of Internet banking in the two aspects. The third chapter discusses the analysis as the development of domestic Internet banking at this stage, this chapter introduces several basic categories of Internet finance, followed by the third party payment, raising mode, information of financial institutions And the Internet financial platform, and discusses the basic situation of the present domestic several models, seeking its main problems in high-speed forward process. The fourth chapter is to highlight the potential risks of Internet financial mode in China. In order from network security, operational risk, credit risk, operational risk and legal risk and reputation to a detailed analysis of potential risks, the domestic Internet financial model, and give some evaluation. The fifth chapter is the characteristics of the Internet risk described by the controllability, it's contagious, amplification mechanism of several external factors and risk to discusses the risk characteristics and changes. The sixth chapter is the comparison of financial risk evaluation method, evaluation method of financial risk basically includes three kinds, namely the qualitative evaluation method, quantitative evaluation method and comprehensive evaluation method, this chapter is mainly on Compare these three methods to determine the most appropriate way. The seventh chapter is the empirical research on the risk assessment cases of Internet Alibaba to microfinance companies, followed by the risk assessment index is established for the establishment as well as the results of the analysis to empirical research, the extent of scientific evaluation indicators. In the eighth chapter for the prevention and control of the financial risks of the Internet opinion, put forward measures corresponding to various types of risks described above, to lay the foundation for sustained and stable development of the domestic Internet banking financial market diversification, to ensure the smooth implementation of the mechanism. The innovation of this article generally includes two aspects, one is that the analysis method, fuzzy selection the analytic hierarchy process to analyze all kinds of risks, this method can make the establishment of the index key degree is more convenient, from the qualitative to quantitative judgment promotion In addition, the selection of indicators takes account of the two aspects of Internet technology and finance, and excavates all kinds of important indicators to a great extent, and establishes many indicators that are different from previous standards.



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