发布时间:2018-04-06 05:41
本文选题:对外直接投资 切入点:变动趋势 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:跟随着改革开放的步伐,我国对外直接投资走过了30多年的风雨历程,其中有2000年的低谷,也有2008年的飞速增长,截至2012年底,我国对外直接投资流量高达878亿美元,投资遍布全球179个国家和地区,位居全球第三位,取得可喜成就。目前,国内、外环境也在悄然发生改变,“十八大”政府工作报告给予了对外投资高度关注,提出了新构思;2008年国际金融危机后,各国经济处于复苏阶段,其经济增长需要大量资金投入,总体来看,国内、外环境稳步增长,探究稳定环境下,我国对外直接投资的影响因素具有必要的现实意义。 本文采用规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法,在规范分析部分,对对外直接投资的现状和特征进行了定性分析,并结合影响因素实证分析的研究,提出促进我国对外直接投资的有关对策。在实证部分,参考国内外相关文献,基于前期理论,构建合理模型,选取具有代表性的样本进行研究。运用计量分析软件Eviews7.0,使用面板数据进行回归分析,以2003-2012年为样本期,精选我国对36个东道国的直接投资。将样本期划分为两个时期:2003-2010年为变动期间,2011和2012年为稳定期间。通过两个时期的对比分析,揭露出在政策、国内环境稳定的情况下,可量化的宏观因素:东道国市场规模、东道国工资水平、中国对东道国的出口,与我国对东道国直接投资的显著性。得出主要结论:东道国市场规模对中国对其直接投资存在负显著性,而东道国工资水平和中国对东道国的出口存在正显著性。
[Abstract]:Following the pace of reform and opening up, China's foreign direct investment has gone through more than 30 years of wind and rain, including the low point in 2000 and the rapid growth in 2008. By the end of 2012, the flow of foreign direct investment of our country has reached 87.8 billion US dollars.Investment in 179 countries and regions, ranked third in the world, has achieved gratifying results.At present, the domestic and foreign environment is also quietly changing. The report on the work of the 18th National Congress of the National people's Congress pays great attention to foreign investment and puts forward new ideas. After the 2008 international financial crisis, the economies of all countries are in the stage of recovery.Its economic growth needs a large amount of capital investment. In general, the domestic and external environment is growing steadily. It is necessary to explore the influencing factors of China's foreign direct investment (FDI) under the stable environment.In the part of normative analysis, this paper makes a qualitative analysis of the current situation and characteristics of foreign direct investment (FDI), and combines the empirical analysis of influencing factors with the method of combining normative analysis with empirical analysis.This paper puts forward some countermeasures to promote China's foreign direct investment.In the empirical part, referring to the relevant literature at home and abroad, based on the previous theory, build a reasonable model, select representative samples for research.By using the econometric analysis software Eviews7.0 and panel data for regression analysis, taking 2003-2012 as the sample period, the direct investment of our country in 36 host countries is selected.The sample period is divided into two periods: the period from 2003 to 2010 is the period of change, and the period of 2011 and 2012 is stable.Through a comparative analysis of the two periods, it is revealed that, under the conditions of stable policy and domestic environment, quantifiable macro factors are: the size of the host country market, the host country's wage level, China's exports to the host country,And China's direct investment in the host country is significant.The main conclusions are as follows: the market size of the host country has negative significance to China's direct investment, while the wage level of the host country and the export of China to the host country are positively significant.
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