本文选题:零售业务 + SWOT分析法 ; 参考:《南京工业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The enterprise development strategy is related to the long-term development of the enterprise. Overall planning is of great significance to the development of modern enterprises.Huai'an Branch, as the retail business operator in this area, has been unable to meet the needs of the retail business development of Huai'an Branch with the rapid development of information industrialization, its product and service model, internal operation mechanism and business model.In addition, other banks have entered the retail business market of Huai'an Bank on a large scale, which has had a very profound impact on the survival and development of the retail business of Huai'an Branch. If the retail business of Huai'an Branch continues to follow the previous management mode and ideas,It will not promote the development of Huaian Branch. Only by using the strategic management theory, its operation system will not collapse.The retail business of Huaian Branch can survive and develop only if it adapts to the changes of internal and external environment, makes full use of its own advantages, catches the opportunity and formulates the development strategy in real time.Based on the economic theories of strategic management, marketing and management, this paper makes a concrete analysis of the internal and external environment for the survival and development of retail business in Huaian Branch, and makes a diagnosis of its current strategy.When analyzing the strategic choice of the enterprise, we mainly use the SWOT analysis method to analyze the internal and external factors of the branch retail business in detail, and finally determine the development strategy of the retail business of Huai'an Branch for accurately positioning the customer group and innovating the cooperative management mode.At the same time, the implementation of talent enterprises, the implementation of services to set up enterprises, such as the establishment of characteristic brands.In order to make the bank retail business development strategy to be implemented, and put forward the implementation measures and safeguards.Finally, this paper is summarized, and its limitations and development prospects are put forward.
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