本文选题:中国侨汇政策 + 侨汇物资供应 ; 参考:《东南亚研究》2012年04期
[Abstract]:Remittances from overseas Chinese are an important source of China's foreign exchange reserves and an important guarantee for the production and living of the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families in China. The management policy is also an important part of the national policy on overseas Chinese affairs for a long time. But in the 20 years since the Great Leap forward began in 1957, remittances have declined because of social movements on the left. In order to enhance the income of overseas Chinese, the state has not only repeatedly reiterated the importance of remittances, but also made specific policies to increase the supply of goods and materials for remittances, to avoid encroachment on remittances, and to increase the enthusiasm of overseas Chinese batch operations, thus ensuring the gradual growth of overseas Chinese remittances. After China resumed its legal seat in the United Nations and the relations between China and the United States thawed, the total amount of Chinese remittances from the Americas reached a new peak since the founding of the people's Republic of China. Despite the "Great Leap forward" and the "Cultural Revolution," China's policy on remittances from overseas Chinese can still be implemented and maintained to a certain extent because of its economic effectiveness. There are differences and differences between the nature of social movement and policy in the special period of China.
【作者单位】: 暨南大学华侨华人研究院;
【基金】:教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“华侨华人在国家软实力建设中的作用研究”(10J2D0049) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地暨南大学华侨华人研究院基金资助项目“国际比较视野下的中国新移民侨汇问题研究”
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