本文选题:外汇市场压力 + 东亚金融危机 ; 参考:《国际金融研究》2012年05期
[Abstract]:In view of the 1997-1998 year East Asian financial crisis and the global financial crisis caused by the 2007-2008 year American sub debt, this paper makes a comparative study on the pressure of foreign exchange market in emerging market countries during the period of 1990-2009 years. First, this paper analyses the stage characteristics of the foreign exchange market pressure in the sample countries before and after the two crises, and finds that in 2000, Therefore, appreciation has become the dominant type of foreign exchange market pressure in emerging market countries. Secondly, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the factors affecting the formation of pressure in the two stage of foreign exchange market. The results show that there are great differences in the influence factors of the formation of the two stage of foreign exchange market pressure. Finally, the policy implications of the research results are interpreted.
【作者单位】: 上海财经大学国际工商管理学院;
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