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发布时间:2019-04-17 10:17
[Abstract]:Looking back on the development of commercial banks, it is found that the business of banks is constantly changing with the development of the national economy, from money exchange to deposit and loan business. From simply relying on deposit-loan spreads to obtain high returns in comprehensive financial business, every trend is constantly changing around the law of bank development. With the promotion of interest rate marketization and the entry of foreign comprehensive financial enterprises, the trend and requirement of mixed operation of international financial industry. China's commercial banks over-rely on the deposit and loan business of traditional commercial banks on the basis of business model has been declining. Only by fully relying on financial innovation, we should shift from traditional financing intermediaries to all-round financial institutions, accelerate the formation of diversified profit models, develop financial asset services and investment banking, and other businesses to increase the share of intermediate business revenue. In order to enhance the competitiveness of China's commercial banks in the domestic and international markets, to maintain sustainable development, to meet the requirements of the consistency of capital market and money market. Commercial banks to carry out investment banking business is also derived from this. In addition to necessity, policy support also creates feasibility for commercial banks to carry out investment banking business. However, due to the constraints of practical factors, the development of investment banking business of commercial banks in China is still in its infancy, and it still needs to be further excavated and developed. My Ping an Bank is a joint-stock commercial bank, the target market of its investment bank line is the direct financial instruments as the main financing channel of the company customers. Through the internal and external environment of Ping an Bank, especially the characteristics of Ping an Bank itself, this paper aims to formulate the investment banking business development strategy for Ping an Bank, so as to improve the development of investment banking business. So as to enhance the overall competitiveness of Ping an Bank, become a "different bank." This article is divided into six parts, the first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of the subject research, the second part is the theoretical introduction, elaborated the relevant strategy theory; The third part analyzes the external environment of Ping an Bank, summarizes the current situation and development direction of investment banking business of domestic and foreign commercial banks, and points out the potential competitors of Ping an Bank; The fourth part is to tap the internal potential of Ping an Bank, from the organizational structure of Ping an Bank, human resources allocation, financial situation, investment banking business conditions, marketing capabilities, corporate culture and other aspects of analysis; The fifth part is to make suggestions on the future strategy of Ping an Bank, and the last part is to analyze the safeguard measures that Ping an Bank should establish from the point of view of strategy implementation. Making use of the theory and method of strategic management, adopting the empirical analysis method of combining macro and micro, qualitative and quantitative, to sort out the present situation and deficiency of investment bank business of Ping an Bank. This paper analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of investment banking business of Ping an Bank, studies deeply the development strategy of investment bank business of Ping an Bank, and puts forward the development strategy of investment bank business of Ping an Bank.


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