本文关键词:大型商贸流通集聚区形成机理研究 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 产业集聚 商业集聚 大型商贸流通集聚区 形成机理
[Abstract]:Industrial agglomeration is a common economic phenomenon, different stages of development of various countries in the world all have different degrees of industrial agglomeration phenomenon. Especially in the stage of industrialization, the development of various countries in industrial enterprises frequent large-scale agglomeration, this phenomenon has aroused the attention of scholars and produce a rich industrial agglomeration theory with. The development of social economy, agglomeration of business enterprises are generally up to the formation of different types of commercial circulation industry gathering area, the more common commercial street area, shopping center and the city complex area, the professional market gathering areas. In the field of circulation, along with the deepening of the circulation of labor division and trade circulation industry in the development of more professional, and related services in the trend of geographic concentration is more and more obvious, the deepening of this trend on the formation of the large flow of Commerce set Poly area. Large trading area is one of third industrial clusters in nature, but in the perspective of domestic and foreign scholars, the author found that scholars are most concerned about the agglomeration of the manufacturing industry, the trade circulation industry and three industry agglomeration lessattention business cluster theory is not rich, it puts forward the necessary study on the phenomenon of commercial circulation industry to a certain extent. Based on the industrial agglomeration and the commercial agglomeration literature and studying the formation mechanism, based on the previous studies, to further explore the large trading area. This study is divided into macro and micro two dimensions. First of all, from the relevant the concept of agglomeration, the relationship between clusters and clusters were defined, preliminary put forward the concept of large-scale commercial gathering area and expounds its features. Based on this, the This paper through the research on the theory and model of the large-scale commercial agglomeration of the macro and micro mechanism. Secondly, this paper analyzes the case of large-scale commercial agglomeration and development zone. Finally, this paper on the basis of the research put forward to promote China's large-scale commercial gathering area and healthy development of policy recommendations.
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