本文关键词: 服务贸易 引力模型 影响因素 实证分析 出处:《云南财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the world economy, the status of trade in services in the global economic competition has become increasingly important. At the same time, it has become an important measure of a country's comprehensive international competitiveness. Since China's accession to the World Trade Organization, China's trade in services has also achieved rapid development. The total amount of service trade continues to expand and the contribution of service trade to China's economic growth continues to increase, but there are still some problems in the development of service trade, compared with other countries, there is still a certain gap. This paper thinks that it is of great significance to study the current situation of our country's service trade development and its influencing factors. Through the analysis and research, we can find out the ways and means to improve the international competitiveness of our country's service trade. In order to promote the continuous improvement of China's trade in services, but also to promote the prosperity of China's economy. This paper uses the combination of empirical analysis and theoretical analysis method. At the same time, combined with a certain quantitative analysis of the current situation of China's service trade development and the factors affecting the development of service trade are analyzed and studied. The purpose and significance of the study, research ideas and methods as well as the innovations and shortcomings of this paper. Secondly, the basic concept of trade in services is summarized, and the current situation of the development of service trade in China is also introduced. The restrictive factors of service trade and the literature review on the application of gravity model. Then it analyzes the current situation of the development of China's service trade and the influence mechanism of our country's service trade. By using the gravity model to analyze the influencing factors of China's bilateral trade in services, the determinants are found out. The results show that the per capita GNP of the importing countries is higher than that of the importing countries. The per capita GNP of exporting countries, physical distance, and the amount of loans of exporting countries to their own enterprises all show different significance, among which the average GDP of importing countries is different. The per capita gross national product (GNP) of exporting countries and the amount of loans from exporting countries to domestic enterprises all show a positive impact on trade in services. The physical distance shows the negative correlation with service trade. Finally, according to the results of regression analysis and the current situation of service trade, seven suggestions are put forward for the development of service trade in China. Respectively for vigorously developing the economy, optimizing the industrial structure of service trade, gradually balancing regional development, improving the excessive concentration of service trade inside and outside, and gradually improving the coordination system and management system of China's service trade. We should increase the sources of funds for service trade enterprises, gradually improve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, attach importance to the education of service trade related majors, and increase the training of service trade professionals. Give play to the positive role of the government in the development of service trade and strengthen the innovation of the new industry of service trade to expand the service demand.
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