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发布时间:2018-02-21 05:25

  本文关键词: 低碳经济 中原经济区 出口商品结构 出处:《武汉大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The "low-carbon economy" first appeared in government documents in the 2003 British White Paper on Energy: the Future of our Energy: creating a Low-Carbon economy. Major developed countries and some developing countries have successively put forward national development strategies related to the low-carbon economy. During China's "two sessions" in 2010, The "proposal on promoting the Development of China's Low-Carbon economy" submitted by Jiu San Society to the third session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) was even listed as the first proposal of the Conference. In essence, a low-carbon economy is a low carbon consumption. The economic development model of low carbon emission and low carbon pollution is the deepening of the concept of sustainable development. The level and quality of its economic development are not only related to the implementation effect of the strategy of rising up of central China, but also related to the promotion of low-carbon competitiveness in China under severe resource and environmental constraints. However, due to the high carbonization of energy endowment and energy structure, As well as the low end of technological level and innovation ability, the Central Plains Economic Zone is facing relatively greater pressure of carbon emission reduction. Therefore, how to accelerate the low-carbon development and transformation of the Central Plains Economic Zone, Especially, how to realize the low carbonization of economic development by optimizing the structure of export commodities under the situation of more and more serious trade pollution problem is a frontier subject to be solved urgently, which has important theoretical and practical significance. Under the guidance of the principles of management and grey theory, the research methods of combining theoretical analysis with empirical analysis, horizontal comparative analysis and longitudinal historical analysis are used. Based on the perspective of export trade pattern transformation, this paper systematically studies the mechanism of its influence on the development of low-carbon economy in the Central Plains Economic Zone, and obtains some conclusions and innovative research results as follows: first, The Central Plains Economic Zone must change the energy structure based on coal in order to relieve the pressure of carbon emission, and at the same time, it must improve the energy efficiency to enhance the inhibition of carbon emissions; The export trade structure of the Central Plains Economic Zone is gradually transforming from natural resources and labor-intensive to capital-and technology-intensive, and the environmental effects of structural optimization will become increasingly significant. Second, The conclusion of the empirical analysis shows that the construction of low-carbon economy in the Central Plains Economic Zone should fully consider the characteristics of different industries and environmental impact, and implement carbon emission reduction in a focused and planned manner. It is an inevitable choice to realize the economic low carbonization of the Central Plains Economic Zone by vigorously developing the export of high value-added industries in the Central Plains Economic Zone to optimize the export trade structure of the Central Plains Economic Zone and to strengthen the innovation and sharing of low-carbon technology. It can effectively avoid the path dependence of the society on the high-carbon economy. Third, in promoting the economic low-carbon export trade development strategy of the Central Plains Economic Zone, we should accelerate the upgrading of industrial structure and strengthen the research and development and transformation of low-carbon technologies through the implementation of accelerated industrial structure upgrading. To improve environmental standards, improve fiscal and taxation systems and carry out international cooperation to achieve clean export trade, green, non-local pollution, the internalization of environmental costs and the positive impact of the environment.


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