本文选题:负面清单 切入点:国际经验 出处:《天津财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:At present, the negative list system, as a system of access to foreign capital, is used to demonstrate the determination and strength of a country to open its domestic market. And it has become a common international investment rule. China has no experience in implementing the negative list. The TPP agreement also intends to avoid China. This undoubtedly puts pressure on China's foreign trade, and the Shanghai Free Trade Zone implements a negative listing system. On the basis of drawing lessons from the institutional experience of other countries and combining the characteristics of their own development, we need to endow the negative list with Chinese characteristics, and we should strive hard to govern it. Seeking for change, this paper focuses on the analysis of the negative list management system and international experience of international investment, and combines the implementation of the negative list system in China's Shanghai Free Trade Zone. The first chapter discusses the background significance, the research ideas, and the innovation of the article. The second chapter mainly analyzes the theoretical basis of the negative list system. The third and fourth chapters are an overall analysis and synthesis of the international experience of the negative inventory management system. This paper makes a summative analysis from two aspects of international treaties and some countries implementing the negative list system. Chapter 5th mainly takes Shanghai Free Trade area as the background to analyze the development of the negative list system in China. Finally, this paper discusses the comparative effect of international experience on the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, looks forward to its future development trend, and puts forward policies and suggestions based on reality. This paper mainly focuses on the system of negative list. This paper analyzes the development and practice of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Scholars at home and abroad have analyzed the free trade zone system very deeply, but the negative list system is the newly implemented management system of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. It is quite novel to analyze the opening and development of Shanghai Free Trade Zone under the new system. On the basis of the analysis, this paper adopts the method of comparing and summing up the international experience. This paper puts forward some relatively feasible policy suggestions on the management system of negative list in Shanghai Free Trade area, which can provide some reference and reference for the further construction and development of the negative list system from Shanghai Free Trade area.
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