本文选题:关税内生化理论 切入点:利益集团 出处:《上海海关学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, international trade has been paid more and more attention by the world. In recent years, the level of trade between countries has been rising and developing rapidly. However, because countries adopt trade protection policies on agricultural products to varying degrees, although agricultural trade is a branch of international trade, the development is relatively slow. At the same time, the United States, as the world's largest economy, Against the backdrop of new President Trump's "America first" rhetoric at his inauguration and the formal withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, there are signs of a resurgence of trade protectionism. It is of great significance to understand and evaluate the current policy by analyzing the determinants of soybean import tariff policy in China. The theory of tariff internalization has been widely used in the analysis of the trade policies of various countries. The analytical method personalizes the government's behavior and considers the government as a rational economic person who pursues the maximization of interests, and at the same time considers the influence of various interest groups. This paper analyzes the import tariff policy of soybean in China by using the theory of endogenous biochemistry of tariff, clarifies the important factors and influence ways of affecting the import tariff policy of soybean in China, and probes into the optimal policy of import tariff of soybean in China. By analyzing the policy trend and effect of soybean trade in China from 1996 to 2015, the current policy is scientifically evaluated. The import tariff policy of soybean is theoretically analyzed based on the theory of tariff internalization. It can be seen that the main factors influencing policy formulation are political interests, interest groups, soybean quality, endowment of production resources and international rules. The specific ways of influence are: political interests, interest groups are the increasing function of soybean import tariff policy, With the increasing degree of soybean trade protection, the government and related interest groups gain more and more profits. On the contrary, soybean quality is a function of import tariff policy, and the degree of trade protection to soybean is strengthened. As an external binding condition, under the influence of natural endowment of production resources and international rules, the tariff rate on soybean imports should be increased, and trade protection on soybean imports would be beneficial to the maintenance of the domestic soybean industry. Through the model analysis of the soybean import tariff policy in China and the effect of the relevant measures, we can draw four conclusions: firstly, the soybean import tariff policy of our country is an unstable policy at the present stage. The main manifestation is that the import tariff rate of soybean is low, the influx of imported soybeans from abroad seriously threatens the development of domestic soybean related industries, the second is that the best soybean import tariff policy of our country is to protect soybean trade. To increase the import tariff rate on soybeans, thereby limiting the amount of soybean imports and safeguarding the development of the domestic soybean industry; third, the soybean trade protection should be moderate, and the import tariff rate should not be the higher the better. It is shown that with the continuous strengthening of the degree of trade protection to soybean, the soybean quality will decrease gradually, which will affect the realization of the government utility. Fourthly, from the perspective of the effect of the implementation of the soybean trade policy, China's soybean import trade protection policy form is relatively single, the intensity of tariff protection is relatively low, non-tariff trade barriers are particularly inadequate.
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