发布时间:2018-04-09 21:21
本文选题:服务业 切入点:投资环境 出处:《山西师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国经济发展进入新常态,经济转型升级正处在重要历史拐点,在“三期”叠加、经济下行压力较大的复杂形势,推进服务业主导的转型与改革尤为重要。在加快发展服务业方面,国家以及各个地区无不尽心竭力出台政策措施引导服务业发展、吸引外来服务业资本的入驻,而服务业投资环境的优劣决定引资数量与质量。 本文在回顾已有学者对于服务业投资环境的相关研究的基础上,选出影响服务业投资环境评价的相关因素,运用计量模型对因素进行相关性分析,筛选出对服务业投资环境影响较大的因素,构建了服务业投资环境评价指标体系,指标体系由地区人均国民生产总值、第二产业GDP占比、服务行业劳动力成本、人力资本存量、城市化水平、市场化水平、法治化水平以及基础设施构成。运用构建的服务业投资环境评价指标体系,分别从省级层面与地市级层面测算了各地服务业投资环境现状及排名。从省级层面,通过主成分分析法实际测算了31省、自治区与直辖市指标体系内各因素对于服务业投资环境的贡献度,各因素按照贡献度由大到小依次为:市场化水平、城市化水平、人均国民生产总值、法治化水平、服务业劳动力成本、基础设施状况、第二产业的GDP占比;在此基础上,对各省的服务业投资环境进行了量化打分、排名,得出各省服务业投资环境在国内的相对位置。利用相同的方法,从地级市层面测算了283个地级市和4个盟旗评价指标体系内各个影响因素对于服务投资环境的贡献度,各因素贡献度由大到小依次为:人均国民生产总值、城市化水平、法治化水平、基础设施状况、第二产业GDP占比、服务业劳动力成本、人力资本存量、市场化水平;通过各个因素的系数矩阵对于地市级的城市服务业投资环境进行了量化打分、排名,得出各个地级市服务业投资环境的相对位置。 通过对比后发现,基于同一指标体系,内部各个因素对于省级、地市级服务业投资环境的贡献度显著不同;一个省域自身服务业投资环境如何,省内的地级市服务业投资环境都具有较大的差异。由此也可知,省级层面出台优化服务业投资环境的相关政策对于地级市层面来说不具有较强的针对性;各个地市级在完善服务业投资环境时应因地制宜,清晰的认知地区服务业投资环境的现状,,同时首先优化对投资环境改善贡献度较大的因素,继而优化贡献度次之的因素,不应本末倒置,贡献度较大的因素无法得到较好的优化情况下,将不具备对服务业招商引资的条件,所出台的相关政策的效果将不理想。
[Abstract]:China's economic development has entered the new normal and the economic transformation and upgrading is at an important historical inflection point. In the complicated situation of "three periods" superposition and economic downward pressure, it is particularly important to push forward the service industry-led transformation and reform.In the aspect of speeding up the development of service industry, the country and every region try their best to introduce policies and measures to guide the development of service industry and attract the capital of foreign service industry, and the quality and quantity of investment environment of service industry determine the quantity and quality of investment.On the basis of reviewing the relevant research on the investment environment of the service industry, this paper selects the relevant factors that affect the investment environment of the service industry, and uses the econometric model to analyze the correlation of the factors.The factors that influence the investment environment of service industry are screened out, and the evaluation index system of investment environment of service industry is constructed. The index system consists of the per capita gross national product of the region, the proportion of GDP in the secondary industry, the labor cost of the service industry and the stock of human capital.Urbanization level, marketization level, rule of law level and infrastructure constitution.By using the evaluation index system of investment environment of service industry, the present situation and ranking of investment environment of service industry are calculated from provincial level and prefectural level.At the provincial level, through principal component analysis, the contribution of all factors in the index system of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government to the investment environment of the service industry is actually calculated.Urbanization level, per capita gross national product (GNP), rule of law level, labor cost of service industry, infrastructure condition, GDP ratio of secondary industry, on the basis of which, the investment environment of service industry in each province is quantified and ranked.The relative position of investment environment of service industry in each province is obtained.Using the same method, this paper calculates the contribution of every factor in the evaluation index system of 283 prefecture-level cities and four league flags to the service investment environment from the level of prefectural level to the city level. The contribution of each factor is from big to small as follows: per capita gross national product (GNP).The urbanization level, the rule of law level, the infrastructure condition, the second industry GDP proportion, the service industry labor cost, the human capital stock, the marketization level;Through the coefficient matrix of each factor, the investment environment of the city service industry is quantified and ranked, and the relative position of the investment environment of the city service industry is obtained.Through comparison, it is found that, based on the same index system, the contribution of internal factors to the investment environment of service industry at provincial and municipal levels is significantly different.The investment environment of service industry in prefectural cities has great difference.From this, we can see that the relevant policies to optimize the investment environment of the service industry at the provincial level do not have strong pertinence for the prefectural level and the city level should take measures according to the local conditions when perfecting the investment environment of the service industry.To clearly understand the current situation of the investment environment in the service industry in the region, at the same time, to optimize the factors that contribute to the improvement of the investment environment, and then to optimize the contribution to the next, should not put the cart before the horse.If the factors with larger contribution degree can not get better optimization, it will not have the conditions to attract investment to the service industry, and the effect of the relevant policies will not be ideal.
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