本文选题:证据理论 + 个体消费者 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the information age, the further prosperity of e-commerce is undoubtedly a huge impact on consumers.From the beginning of B2BU B2C2C2C to the rise of O2O, more and more consumers join in the online shopping, online shopping has become a mainstream shopping method.In this case, it is very urgent and necessary to study the online shopping of consumers, whether it is the development of online shopping or merchants.Since the rise of electronic commerce, researchers at home and abroad have made a systematic and comprehensive study on the online shopping behavior of individual consumers, taking the whole online shopping process of consumers as the research object.However, with the popularity of online shopping, the rise of big data and the development of recommendation system, the problems in the process of online shopping, such as identification of requirements, information collection and payment, have been solved preliminarily.In real online shopping, most online consumers first identify the alternatives and put them in their favorites or shopping carts, and then compare and determine the goods that are finally ordered.And with the rise of O2O, previously only offline food and beverage, leisure goods also become online goods, which makes group consumers also enter the online shopping process, the previous research is basically aimed at a single consumer,There has been little research on group online consumers.From this point of view, this paper focuses on the evaluation of individual consumers and group consumers in the process of online shopping.The first chapter of this paper analyzes the background of this paper, leads to the significance of this study, in order to explain that this study has a strong theoretical and practical significance, and at last, the research content of each chapter is briefly introduced.The second chapter mainly reviews the online shopping research, individual consumer online behavior research, group consumer online behavior research and evidence theory related research, get the influence factors in the online behavior process of individual consumer in the past.For the third chapter of the study to prepare for knowledge and theory.The third chapter mainly describes the evaluation of alternative commodities in the online behavior of individual consumers and the evaluation of alternative commodities in the online behavior of group consumers, and gives the concrete solutions to these two kinds of problems with the evidence theory.The fourth chapter mainly studies how to evaluate the alternative commodities in the process of online purchase of food and beverage and leisure goods.Firstly, a descriptive research scheme is designed for consumers to buy catering and leisure goods online, combining with the existing research results, and then the alternative commodities that can bring maximum utility to individual consumers and group consumers are solved respectively.The last chapter is a summary of the content of the article, and gives the direction of future research.
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