本文选题:创新投入 + 服务贸易 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the technological revolution and the major adjustment of the world industrial structure, the global economy is gradually transitioning from a development model that relies on natural resources and manufacturing to a service-dependent development model. International trade in services is booming, becoming a new field of trade competition and a new bright spot of global economic development. Although China's trade in services has not developed for a long time, it has gradually joined the competition in the world market after rapid growth. However, the export structure of our country's service export is not balanced, and it is weak in the aspect of service export with higher level of emerging technology, which leads to the technical level of our country's service export being unable to be improved all the time. In this paper, the complexity of service export is taken as an index to measure the technological level of a country's service export, and the influence of the capital and manpower of innovation input on the complexity of service export is investigated. This paper reviews and combs the literature on the complexity of innovation input and service export, and then analyzes and compares the current situation of innovation investment. At the same time, the complexity index of service export is constructed to compare and analyze the technical level of service export in several countries. After the above analysis, this paper analyzes the direct influence mechanism of innovation input and service export complexity by using Aghion and Howitt 1992) model for reference. At the same time, the indirect influence mechanism is analyzed from two aspects of demand and supply. On the basis of the above analysis, the panel data from 34 countries from 2000 to 2014 are used in this paper, and the fixed effect model is used to regress the panel. This paper empirically analyzes the influence of innovation capital input and innovation manpower input on the complexity of service export and compares them into developed and developing countries. At the same time, it tests the lag effect and interaction effect of innovation investment. The results show that the investment of innovation capital has obvious positive effect on the complexity of service export, and the degree of influence of investment of innovation capital on the complexity of service export in developed countries is greater than that in developing countries. Innovation manpower input has a significant positive impact on the complexity of service exports, while it has a stronger impact on developing countries. At the same time, the impact of innovation capital on the complexity of service exports is mainly short-term. In developed countries, the effects are longer and stronger in the short term; there is an interaction between investment in innovative capital and investment in innovative human resources, and the higher the proportion of people engaged in innovative activities in a country's population, The higher the complexity of service export caused by increasing the investment of innovation capital.
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