本文选题:两岸服务贸易协议 + RCA ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:2014年3月,正值中国大陆与台湾洽签两岸服务贸易协议,正式签订该协议意味着两岸在服务领域的深度互相开放,最具代表性的则是金融服务的业务交叉与机构人员往来。然而台湾岛内对于这一协议内容存疑,认为服贸协议主要依赖于台湾本身较高的开放程度,对于两岸金融服贸领域开放的收益有所低估。本文则以两岸服务贸易争端为背景,试图厘清台湾岛内对服贸的认识误区,并通过金融领域分类合作,分析未来两岸金融服务整合前景。本文主要通过RCA指数测算出台湾服务贸易的国际竞争力,得出以下结论:台湾服务贸易竞争力在主要发达经济体中仍处于相对疲弱地位,且以金融业为代表的新兴服务贸易部门竞争力在逐渐弱化,证明台湾搁置两岸服贸情形下则在未来难以融入全球经济体的后果。由此本文通过对两岸金融合作领域分类,即银行业、证券业、保险业以及两岸自贸区平台四大板块,分析两岸金融服务开放的选择,借此说明服贸协议对于增强台湾服务贸易竞争力有所助益。本文运用Stata 12.0实证分析在两岸ECFA协议签订前后,大陆经济开放对于台湾的影响因素,从而得出ECFA签订之后台湾经济直接受益于大陆逐步开放进程的结论。最后本文分别从两岸政策层面和行业发展层面提出了相关建议。
[Abstract]:March 2014 coincided with the signing of a cross-strait service trade agreement between China and Taiwan. The formal signing of the agreement means that the two sides are deeply open to each other in the field of services, most representative of which is the cross-practice of financial services and institutional contacts. However, Taiwan has doubts about the content of the agreement, and believes that the service trade agreement mainly depends on Taiwan's own high degree of openness and undervalues the benefits of opening up the cross-strait financial services trade sector. This paper tries to clarify the misunderstanding of service trade in Taiwan island with the background of cross-strait service trade dispute, and analyzes the prospect of cross-strait financial service integration in the future through classified cooperation in the field of finance. This paper calculates the international competitiveness of Taiwan's service trade by RCA index, and draws the following conclusions: Taiwan's service trade competitiveness is still relatively weak in the major developed economies. Moreover, the competitiveness of the emerging services trade sector, represented by the financial sector, is gradually weakening, demonstrating the consequences of Taiwan's difficulty in integrating into the global economy in the future if Taiwan shelves cross-strait service trade. As a result, this paper analyzes the options for opening up cross-strait financial services by classifying the areas of cross-strait financial cooperation, that is, banking, securities, insurance, and the platform of the cross-strait free trade zone. This shows that the service trade agreement to enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan's trade in services has been helpful. This paper uses Stata 12.0 to analyze the influence factors of mainland's economic opening to Taiwan before and after the signing of ECFA agreement, and draws the conclusion that Taiwan's economy directly benefited from the gradual opening process of mainland China after the signing of ECFA. Finally, this paper puts forward the relevant suggestions from the cross-straits policy level and industry development level.
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