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发布时间:2018-06-17 03:41

  本文选题:B2C网站 + 网站服务补救 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of society, the Internet has become an indispensable part of our daily life. The rapid development of the Internet has facilitated our life and work, and improved our quality of life and working efficiency. Internet shopping is the product of the development of the Internet. Compared with the traditional shopping mode, it is more convenient and provides consumers with a new shopping choice. With the rise of online shopping, online shopping platform presents a situation of a hundred schools of thought, in which the vigorous development of B2C website has aroused great concern of consumers and enterprises. Because of the fictitious and uncertain nature of network environment, the probability of service failure is very large. As a "secondary service", service remedy plays a positive role in retaining consumers. So that dissatisfied consumers produce "second satisfaction", and ultimately strengthen the trust and understanding of the site. Consumers judge the quality of service remediation more according to their own subjective feelings, through their own gains and costs to get a comparison of the overall evaluation of the site. Because of the homogeneity of service or product and the risk of network environment, creating a strong brand can improve the consumers' trust and cognition to the website merchants. With the increasingly fierce competition of B2C website, it is necessary to establish a strong website brand asset, and the level of service recovery quality is particularly important for the formation of website brand equity. In order to understand the influence of website service remediation on website brand equity, this paper studies the relationship between website service remedy and website brand equity with B2C website as the research background. This article takes the website service remedy as the independent variable, including the website tangible compensation, the website response speed, the website apology, the website remediation initiative four dimensions; takes the consumer perception value as the intermediary variable; takes the website brand asset as the dependent variable, It includes three dimensions: website cognition, website experience and website trust. Through empirical analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: website tangible compensation, website response speed, website apology have a significant positive impact on consumer website cognition, while website remediation initiative has a significant negative impact on consumer website cognition; Website tangible compensation, website response speed, website apology, website remediation initiative have a significant positive impact on consumer website experience; website tangible compensation, website apology, Website remediation initiative has a significant positive impact on consumer website trust, while website response speed has no significant impact on consumer website trust. Consumer perceived value plays an intermediary role between website tangible compensation, website response speed, website apology, website remediation initiative and consumer website cognition. Website apology, website remediation initiative and consumer website experience, consumer perceived value has intermediary function between website tangible compensation, website apology, website remediation initiative and consumer website trust. There is no intermediary between the response speed of the website and the trust of the consumer website. The conclusion of this paper has certain theoretical and practical significance for understanding and mastering the influence of B2C website service remedy on website brand equity.


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