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发布时间:2018-06-19 21:02

  本文选题:焦炭期货 + 焦煤期货价格 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Coke is one of the major commodities, which is the product of coking coal after chemical processing. The upstream industry relates to the coking coal industry, and the downstream industry is related to the steel industry. Most coke is used in blast furnace ironmaking, which is the most important raw material and is regarded as the "basic food" in the steel industry. China is the largest country in coke production in the world, and the annual export value of coke is more than 100 billion yuan. Striving for the pricing right of coke products plays a great role in promoting the economic development of our country, and the strategic value of coke products is self-evident. However, in recent years, the coke production capacity in China is seriously overcapacity and the coke price fluctuates frequently, so the coke market is very risky. One of the basic functions of futures is to avoid market risks. It is of great significance to study the influencing factors of coke futures prices for the economic development of our country. Coking futures to stabilize coke prices is also related to residents' lives and industrial production. The main research object of this paper is the coke futures price. Firstly, the paper introduces the theoretical basis of the futures price, then qualitatively analyzes the influencing factors of the coke futures price, and finally constructs a continuous price time series. The influencing factors of coke futures price include macro factors, coke supply and demand factors and coke market factors. This paper analyzes the influence of macro factors on coke futures price from two aspects: national policy and related financial market. The influence of coke supply and demand on coke futures price includes five aspects: coke production, consumption, price, inventory and circulation. The market factors affecting the coke futures price mainly include the upstream coking coal market and the downstream steel market. In this paper, VAR model test is used to analyze the formation of coke futures price. At the same time, Granger causality test, impulse response analysis and variance decomposition are used to realize the dynamic equilibrium analysis of the influencing factors of coke futures price. After an empirical study, we found that the biggest factor affecting the price of coke futures in China is the price of coal futures. The correlation between the two is very strong. 2) the short term influence of the coke futures price is limited by the spot coke price in China. The exchange rate also has a significant effect on the coke futures price in China. The research on the influencing factors of the futures prices of domestic and foreign scholars mostly stays on the agricultural products and non-ferrous metals, and the research on the influencing factors of the coke futures prices is a relatively new subject. This paper studies the influencing factors of the coke futures prices from various aspects. On this basis, a multivariate time series model is established to quantitatively investigate the influence of different factors on coke futures prices. After the supply-side reform in China, the research on the influencing factors of coke futures price involves many new propositions which are different from the previous ones. This paper will study the price discovery function of coke futures more deeply and pertinently.


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