本文选题:货币供给量 + 消费者价格指数 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:There is a consensus in the field of economics all the time: the change of monetary quantity will cause the fluctuation of price, and the fluctuation of price will counteract the quantity of money. It can also be seen from the traditional monetary theory (MV / QP) that if other conditions (velocity of money circulation) are set, the quantity of money supply will indeed keep the same direction of change with the price. However, in recent years, there is an unconventional phenomenon which is inconsistent with the above theory in China's economic market. Since 1991, China's money supply M2 has been on the rise. In 1991, the amount of M2 was 19349.9 trillion, but in 2016, it increased eighty-fold to 1550122.31 trillion. Oddly enough, the rapid growth of M2 did not lead to the same trend of consumer price inflation. China's CPI in the 26-year average growth rate is 4.3. This abnormal phenomenon in our country is worthy of further study. Therefore, Granger causality test, impulse response analysis and variance decomposition are used to test the growth rate of generalized money supply and CPI growth rate in the long term (1991-2016) and short-term (2007-2016), respectively. It is found that, in the long run, money supply M 2 and CPI still maintain a significant correlation. But in the short term, money supply growth can not be fully reflected in CPI growth. On this basis, the relationship between money supply and CPI in the short term is further studied, and the dynamic relationship between the two in the short term is analyzed by using the VAR model method from the perspective of impulse response function and variance decomposition. Through the analysis of the above conclusions, it is pointed out that due to the increase of quasi monetary quantity, the rapid expansion of fictitious economy and the overheating of real estate market, the relationship between money supply and CPI is weakened in the short term, and the corresponding policy suggestions are put forward.
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