[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy and society and the increase of the aging population, the market demand for drugs is also increasing. Drug retail terminals can be said to be a big cake. Many drug retailers want to share a piece of their own cake, thus joining the ranks of drug retail pharmacies. According to statistics, there are more than 400,000 pharmacies nationwide, more than 2000 chain enterprises. However, with the introduction of the health care reform policy, support for community health care, such as medical insurance and zero-price purchase of medicines, all have an impact on the sales volume of pharmacies. At the same time, due to the opening of the country to the drug retail market, Many foreign drugstores have also entered the Chinese market, such as Medicine shopper and Mixin pharmacies in the United States, as well as the emergence of some online pharmacies. It can be said that the drug retail market is a mixture of fish and fish, the competition is unusually fierce, and profits are becoming more and more meagre. In such a market environment, although chain drugstore enterprises have advantages in capital and scale, they also have to face the impact of fierce market competition and low gross margin of medicines. To take the road of brand development can be said to be the choice of chain drugstore enterprises. However, in this process, some chain drugstore enterprises have some problems such as unclear brand positioning and poor brand image, which seriously restrict the development of chain drugstore enterprises. This paper analyzes the influencing factors and existing problems of the brand of chain drugstore enterprises, and through the method of questionnaire, analyzes the influencing factors of drug consumers' purchase behavior. On the basis of this, the strategy of brand management of chain drugstore enterprises is put forward.
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