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发布时间:2018-08-13 12:54
[Abstract]:Public service advertisement is a window of national and national spiritual civilization. To some extent, it can reflect the comprehensive cultural quality of the country and nation. The rapid development of public service advertisement can effectively improve the basic quality of the people and promote the construction of spiritual civilization. The development of public service advertisement in our country started relatively late, and the research on public service advertisement was less. The first research work on public service advertisement in the real sense of our country was published in 1999; with the development of public welfare cause, Its importance has been paid more and more attention to by all walks of life in the society. However, if we look at the numerous public service advertisements that exist in the market today, most of the public service advertisements are purely for the purpose of advertising and have not been effectively integrated with the market strategy. Affected the progress and development of public service advertising. At present, the current situation of market-oriented development of public service advertising in China is not optimistic, except that most of the public service advertisements supported by the state can truly be paid attention to from advertising originality to advertising production and finally to the level of advertising broadcasting. And the final harvest of good marketing results, most of the public service advertising is still in the situation of lax development, the development of our public service advertising caused a very negative impact. In this paper, the market-oriented operation of public service advertising as the research direction, by consulting the relevant literature at home and abroad, to study the development of foreign public service advertising, summed up the emergence of China's public service advertising development process of the problems. It also puts forward the effective countermeasures to promote the market-oriented operation of public service advertisement in China to achieve the goal of promoting the rapid development of public service advertising in China and to provide a theoretical basis for the mature market operation of public service advertisement in the future.


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