[Abstract]:The bilateral relations between the people's Republic of China and Colombia were described and analyzed before and after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Recognize the importance of China's entry into WTO and gradually become a decisive force in changing the world economy. Such remarkable and astonishing economic growth has made China a new global trading power, and has become one of the clearest manifestations of economic development in the Asia-Pacific region in the international system in the second half of the 20th century. The transition of the people's Republic of China from planned economy to market economy was started in Deng Xiaoping in 1978. The study explained the implementation of structural reforms, spurred rapid economic growth and transformed China from a moderate power to a regional power. In this period, expansionary economic policy, impel national economy conformity. Since then, China has been integrated into the world economy and eventually promoted its accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001. Considering the change of China's economic development model, this paper analyzes the economic and foreign trade before and after China's entry into WTO in 2001 and its role in the development of world trade. The qualitative evaluation of the results of the entry into the international organization and the domestic and international reasons for the results are evidence of China's remarkable economic growth and the economic impact of the international economy. Broadly speaking, this turning point in China's foreign trade policy has allowed the country to diversify its economy and trade structure by searching for new business partners, ensuring improved access to international markets and targeted supplier markets. Therefore, this paper outlines China's economic influence in Latin America and focuses on China's increasingly important role in Colombia's foreign trade. This is directly related to China's growing international status and worldwide recognition. The article assesses bilateral relations between China and Colombia from 1991 to 2012. An analysis of the political, economic and institutional factors affecting the relationship from Colombia's perspective concluded that China is now Colombia's second largest trading partner. In the quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis, it is found that Colombia, which has been in deficit in bilateral trade between China and Colombia, has emphasized trade balance since China joined WTO. The signing of more than two dozen bilateral agreements also demonstrates the strengthening of relations between the two countries in various areas, with Colombia's coal and mining sectors and China's machinery manufacturing sector among the most benefiting. Finally, the feasibility study on the future trade between the two countries through bilateral relations and different new agreements is proposed to facilitate the negotiation of free trade agreements on raw materials and agricultural products; at the same time, Colombia will also be a competitive platform for infrastructure exports. It is suggested that more business opportunities be given to Colombia in the field of agricultural industry in order to increase its market share in the Chinese market and put forward corresponding suggestions and strategies, which will consolidate and maintain the economic and political relations between China and Colombia.
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