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发布时间:2018-11-18 20:26
【摘要】:近两年来由于网络团购的飞速发展,其所带动的网络购物总体消费者数量也在迅速的增长,增长率在三年时间里都保持在50%水平,到2013年末,网络购物总用户数量规模已经有2.24亿人,在线交易服务和商品种类日益丰富与完善,消费者进行网络购物的频率和金额在一定程度上有了显著的提高。但自从2013年后半年开始网络团购不断的降温,网络团购网站的增长数量有了大幅度的下滑,网络团购用户的增长也变得相对慢了下来,许多网络团购网站的用户也在大量的流失,,目前网络团购的服务水平良莠不齐,团购网站的同质化趋于严重,消费者权益保障问题越来越明显。在探讨和研究企业在进行商务活动时,怎么才可以更好地利用网络,怎样才可以激发消费者进行网络团购的动机和兴趣,从而使得更多人参与到网络团购中去,这正是我国电子商务企业迫切需要解决的一大问题,想刺激消费者参与到网络团购中,我们就应该深入研究调查在消费者参与网络团购时其购买意愿的影响因素。大学生是我国网络团购中非常重要的一类人群,因此对大学生网络团购的研究显得也就非常重要了。 本文梳理了大量与研究内容相关的资料。首先,本文对网络团购的概念进行了界定并对其特点进行了简单描述。然后,本文对消费者网络团购的购买意愿的定义和影响因素分别进行了理论综述。本文又对技术接受模型理论模型的发展和构成因素进行了文献研究。在引用原始TAM模型变量的基础上,很多学者通过继续引用其他相关变量来研究网络团购消费者购买意愿的影响因素。又由于网络团购自身所具有的特征,学者们引入了网上购物经验、网络团购流行度、网络团购的风险性等变量,其中感知易用性、感知风险、感知有用性在很早之前已经被学者们证明它们是影响消费者网络团购购买意愿的主要因素,所以在本文中也将引入这几个变量来研究影响大学生网络团购的购买意愿因素。上述理论是本文建立模型和进行研究的基础。 在前人研究的基础上,本文确立了大学生网络团购的购买意愿的7个影响因素,其中网络团购的流行度、感知易用性、网络团购风险性、商品价格、感知有用性和大学生个体特征、商家服务质量。综合研究的重点以及上述理论分析,本文提出了研究假设同时也构建了一个影响大学生网络团购的购买意愿因素模型,在模型中本文依次研究了7个因素对大学生网络团购的购买意愿的影响程度。为了在更大程度上确保使用完善的策略指标和使用科学有效的问卷,本文在借鉴前人研究成果的同时对相关文献进行搜集整理来设计出问卷。在此同时为了得到相对较高的有效度和信度的问卷,在正式发放调查问卷之前对本校学生进行了预调查,按照专家与受调查者建议,本人对问卷进行了一定程度的调整和完善,得到了最终问卷。最终问卷共收集到502份,扣除无效问卷,得到446份。对于调查数据本文采用的统计方法有:信度/效度检验、相关分析和多元回归分析。
[Abstract]:In the past two years, due to the rapid development of online shopping, the total number of online shopping in the network is growing rapidly, and the growth rate is kept at 50% in the three-year period. By the end of 2013, the total number of users in the network has been 2.24 billion. The online transaction service and the type of the commodity are becoming more and more rich and perfect, and the frequency and the amount of the consumer to make the network shopping have a significant improvement in a certain degree. But since the first half of 2013, the number of online group-buying websites has fallen sharply, and the growth of the online group-buying website is relatively slow, and the users of many network group-buying websites are also losing a lot of losses, At present, the service level of the online group purchase is not good, the homogeneity of the group-order website tends to be serious, and the problem of the protection of the consumer's rights and interests is becoming more and more obvious. in that study and study of the business of the enterprise, how can the use of the network be made better, how to stimulate the motivation and interest of the consumer to carry out the network group purchase, so that more people are involved in the network group purchase, This is a big problem that our country's e-commerce enterprise urgently needs to solve, to stimulate the consumer to participate in the online group purchase, we should study in-depth the influence factor of the customer's willingness to buy when the consumer is involved in the online group purchase. The university students are a very important class of people in the online group purchase of our country, so it is very important to study the college students' network group purchase. In this paper, a large number of research contents related to the content of the research In this paper, the concept of group purchase is defined and its characteristics are simple. In this paper, the definition and influencing factors of the purchase intention of the consumer's network group are discussed. In this paper, the development and the composition of the model of the model of the technology acceptance model are reviewed in this paper. Research. On the basis of reference to the original TAM model variables, many scholars study the effect of online group-order consumers' buying will by continuing reference to other related variables due to the characteristics of the network group purchase, the scholars introduced the online shopping experience, the popularity of the network group, the risk of the network group purchase, and the like, wherein the perception of the usability, the perception, The risk and the perceived usefulness have been proved by the scholars very early that they are the main factors that affect the buying will of the consumer's network group, so this article will also introduce the variables to study the will to influence the purchase will of the college students' network group. The above-mentioned theory is the model and the research in this paper. On the basis of the previous research, this paper establishes the seven influential factors of the purchase intention of the college students' network group purchase, in which the popularity of the online group purchase, the perceived ease of use, the risk of network group purchase, the commodity price, the perceived usefulness and the individual characteristics and the quotient of the college students In this paper, the author puts forward a model of purchasing willingness to influence college students' network group purchase. In this paper, seven factors are studied in this paper to purchase the college students' network group purchase. To the extent to ensure the use of the perfect strategy index and the use of the scientific and effective questionnaire, this paper makes a collection and arrangement of the relevant documents with reference to the previous research results. The questionnaire was designed. At the same time, in order to obtain a relatively high degree of validity and reliability, the students of the school were pre-investigated before the questionnaire was formally issued. According to the advice of the experts and the respondents, I made some adjustment and improvement to the questionnaire. The final questionnaire was collected. A total of 502 questionnaires were collected and an invalid questionnaire was deducted. To 446. The statistical methods used in the survey data include: reliability/ efficiency test, correlation analysis and multiple


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