[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of conspicuous consumption tendency on the purchase behavior and willingness of Korean cosmetics among Chinese female consumers who like Korean cosmetics in the current Korean wave boom. Through the analysis of the present situation of the increasing diversification of Korean cosmetics in the Chinese market, this paper formulates the commodity planning and differential marketing strategy for Korean cosmetics enterprises when targeting these consumers. Provide basic information that can be used flexibly. In the two months from December 1, 2016 to January 30, 2017, 420 questionnaires were sent out and 410 questionnaires were collected. In the collected questionnaire, excluding the invalid questionnaire, a total of 377 questionnaires were used for analysis. The author uses SPSS for windows 21.0 to analyze the collected data. Through the study, this paper draws the following main conclusions. The purchase behavior of cosmetics in South Korea is different with the conspicuous consumption tendency. The groups with high tendency of conspicuous consumption showed stronger buying behavior than those with low tendency of conspicuous consumption in three aspects: 'pursuing popular buying behavior', 'paying attention to brand reputation' and 'planned purchasing behavior'. The willingness to buy cosmetics in South Korea also varies with conspicuous consumption tendencies. The conspicuous consumption tendency of female consumers has an impact on the purchase behavior and willingness of Korean cosmetics. The higher the conspicuous consumption tendency is, the more positive the purchase intention will be in the purchase behavior of Korean cosmetics. The results of this study can be used as data for the analysis of the conspicuous consumption tendency of Chinese women who love Korean cosmetics, the buying behavior of Korean cosmetics and the purchasing intention of Korean cosmetics. It can also be used as the basic material for the development of Chinese beauty products or market strategy. If this research data is used as the basic material for Korean cosmetics brands to formulate market strategy when entering the Chinese market, it will play a great role in helping Korean cosmetics brands enter the Chinese market.
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