[Abstract]:Since the new century, the service industry has been unprecedented development, the international market service trade competition is becoming more and more fierce, the service industry development level has gradually become an important factor to measure the comprehensive strength of a country. In such an industrial and market environment, increasing the proportion of service trade exports, occupies an important position in the international market is obviously the goal that countries strive to achieve. China-ASEAN Free Trade area (CAFTA), which has been promoted by China, has played a great role in promoting the development of bilateral trade, both in goods and in services. In the years since the agreement, the scale and scope of trade in services have grown and deepened rapidly between China and ASEAN. In the future, China should still make full use of the good conditions brought about by the free trade zone, increase the export of the service industry and pay attention to improving the competitive advantage of the service industry in the market. First of all, this paper systematically combs the theory of trade in services, and makes a series of empirical analysis on this basis. The specific trade data of bilateral service trade between China and ASEAN are calculated and analyzed by using the index of display comparative advantage. The main conclusions are as follows: the export of China's service trade is still concentrated in the traditional sectors, such as tourism. The comparative advantage of international transportation and other fields is strong; However, the export advantages in other fields are still insufficient, such as in the knowledge-intensive insurance services and financial services industries, the gap between China and Singapore is large, and in the technology-intensive information communication, There is still a gap between the field of electronic technology and Thailand and Malaysia. After that, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the export of China's service trade by using the extended trade gravity model, draws the conclusion that there are some export deficiencies in some service industries, and then puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of this paper.
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