[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, the era of knowledge economy makes enterprises face the global competitors, decentralized business work, as well as diversified information resources, and so on. The enterprise establishes its own management system and management process to ensure the high sharing of knowledge and the efficiency of integration and utilization in the enterprise. In order to solve the above problems, knowledge network is an optional optimal scheme, and effective knowledge management has become an important help for enterprises to establish core competitive advantage. In the process of the development of O2O operation mode by SUNING Yunshang, the massive knowledge resources need to be recycled. Therefore, this paper puts forward a method of constructing SUNING Yunshang O2O knowledge network based on the combination of multi-domain knowledge, in order to realize the efficient knowledge transfer and learning of SUNING Yunshang O2O, and finally to improve the core competitiveness of SUNING Yunshang O2O. In this paper, the general situation of SUNING Yunshang and the development of its implementation of O2O model are analyzed. By analyzing the composition of O2O model and knowledge flow model, the knowledge of SUNING Yunshang O2O is divided. The ontology representation method is used to unify the divided domain knowledge to represent the concept layer, the construction steps of the network are designed, and the O2O domain knowledge network is constructed according to the actual situation of SUNING Yunshang. Combining UCINET network construction software with social network analysis method, this paper analyzes the structure of knowledge network in O2O domain from five structural measures: network density, average distance, clustering coefficient, intermediary centrality and degree distribution. It is verified that SUNING Yunshang O2O domain knowledge network has high cohesion and knowledge transmission according to the existing actual situation, but the compactness is insufficient. Based on this, based on the analysis of the influencing factors of the core competitiveness of knowledge nodes in SUNING Yunshang O2O domain knowledge network, combined with the fitness algorithm design, the adaptability value of knowledge nodes is determined, and the node fitness preferred connection rules are introduced in the construction process to optimize the knowledge network structure in SUNING Yunshang O2O domain. The optimized knowledge network can improve SUNING cloud quotient selection adaptability knowledge. So as to improve the compactness of the network, optimize the efficiency of knowledge transfer, create new knowledge in time, and improve the level of core competitiveness. Finally, it provides SUNING Yunshang with further countermeasures for the development of knowledge management.
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