【关键词】:伊朗手工地毯 出口 优势 DEMATEL
- 摘要5-6
- Chapter 1 Introduction9-17
- 1.1. Problem Description9-10
- 1.2. Background and Purpose10-12
- 1.2.1. Significance of he Research12
- 1.2.2. The Statement of the Research Objectives12
- 1.3. Methodology12-13
- 1.3.1. Bibliographic Data13
- 1.3.2. Filed Studies13
- 1.4. Main Structure and Basic Ideas13-15
- 1.4.1. Competitiveness14
- 1.4.2. Input Resources14
- 1.4.3. Place in the Market14-15
- 1.4.4. Creativity Power15
- 1.4.5. Farsh(Carpet)15
- 1.5. Research Questions15
- 1.6. Research Model15-17
- Chapter 2 Overview of Relevant Theory17-45
- 2.1. Competitiveness17-22
- 2.2. The Importance of Competitiveness at the Macro Level(National Competitiveness Indicators)22-24
- 2.3. The World's Top Economies24-30
- 2.3.1. Iran's Rank in Twelve Pillars of Competitiveness25-28
- 2.3.2. The Most Important Business Problems from the Perspective of the Private Sector28-30
- 2.4. Different Approaches to Competitiveness30-33
- 2.4.1. Capability-based Approach30-31
- 2.4.2. Market-based Approach31-32
- 2.4.3. Knowledge-based Approach32-33
- 2.5. Factors Affecting Competitiveness33-37
- 2.5.1. Factors Affecting Competitiveness According to the Type of Strategic Competitiveness33-34
- 2.5.2. Factors Affecting Competitiveness According to Porter Classification34
- 2.5.3. Factors Affecting Competitiveness According to Environmental Factors AffectingCompetitiveness34-35
- 2.5.4. Factors Affecting Competitiveness According to the World Competitiveness in the GlobalCompetitiveness Book35-37
- 2.6. Concepts related to Competitiveness37-42
- 2.6.1. The Concept of Intellectual Capital37
- 2.6.2. Human Capital37-38
- 2.6.3. Capital Organizational/Structural38-39
- 2.6.4. Capital Customer/Relational39
- 2.6.5. Resource-based View39-40
- 2.6.6. Relationship with Suppliers40
- 2.6.7. Competitive Intelligence-based View40-42
- 2.7. Researches in the Field of Competitiveness42-45
- Chapter 3 Data Sources and Measures45-55
- 3.1. Research Method45-46
- 3.2. Research Questions46-47
- 3.3. The Tools for Data Collection47
- 3.4. Methods of Collecting Data47-49
- 3.5. The Used Method in Research49-50
- 3.6 The Algorithm of DEMATEL Method50-55
- Chapter 4 Analyzing the Data and the Results55-67
- 4.1. Extracting the Criteria for Competing Power55-56
- 4.2. Designing DEMATEL Questionnaire56-57
- 4.3. The Process of Execution and Computation of DEMATEL Method57-62
- 4.4. Analysis of the Importance of Evaluation Criteria62-64
- 4.5 Determination of the Range (interval) for Criteria Valuation64-67
- Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions67-71
- 5.1 Conclusions67-70
- 5.2 Suggestions70-71
- Reference71-75
- 致谢75-76
- 作者和导师简介76-77
- 附件77-78
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
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