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发布时间:2023-04-11 03:07
  当今社会中,无处不在的数字网络和计算设备促使人与人之间的沟通发生了重大的变化(Barry&Fulmer,2004)。相比于面对面交流,电脑为中介的沟通方式(computer-mediated communication)具有更多的优势。人们可以根据自身需求,定制性地使用电脑或手机上各式各样的电子应用软件,使之适应自己的需求,并利用先进技术来促进沟通并寻求相互影响(Barry&Fulmer,2004)。比如,用户可以主动在自己感兴趣的网站上设置或记录自己的偏好,随后用户每次打开该网站时,网站都会优先呈现用户最可能感兴趣的内容。随着时代的发展,电脑为中介的沟通已经被移动端的沟通媒体所取代。种类繁多的电子应用软件(通常被简称为“apps”)犹如雨后春笋般涌现。在不同情境下,它们以不同的方式改变着人们的沟通行为。在多种沟通型媒体中,智能手机上的移动即时通讯软件被大众广为接受,并成为人与人之间交流的主要渠道。值得一提的是,移动即时通讯软件(MIM)已从第一代移动即时通讯(FMIM)发展到了第二代移动即时通讯(SMIM)。FMIM典型代表是短信服务(SMS),它仅仅支持各类符号意义...

【文章页数】:121 页


摘要 Abstract Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Scope
    1.2.1 Smartphones and its Apps
    1.2.2 IM, MIM and SMIM
    1.2.3 SMIM: WeChat as an Example
1.3 Research Gaps
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Expected Contributions
1.6 Structure of the Dissertation Chapter 2. Literature Review and Theoretical Background
2.1 Adoption, Post-Adoption, and Continuance Intention
    2.1.1 Adoption and Post-Adoption
    2.1.2 IS Continuance
    2.1.3 Prior Research on IS adoption and Continuance
2.2 Expectation-Confirmation Theory as Theoretical Apparatus
    2.2.1 Basic Information, Development and Application of ECT
    2.2.2 Reasons for Choosing ECT
2.3 Intrinsic Relational Factor: Tie Strength
    2.3.1 Strong Ties and Weak Ties
    2.3.2 Development and Application of Tie Strength
    2.3.3 Distinguishing Tie Strength from other Concepts
    2.3.4 Reasons for Choosing Tie Strength
2.4 Extrinsic Social Influence: Perceived Critical Mass
    2.4.1 Extrinsic Social Influence
    2.4.2 Reasons for Choosing Perceived Critical Mass
2.5 Summary Chapter 3. Research Model and Hypotheses
3.1 An ECT Perspective of SMIM Services Continuance
    3.1.1 Satisfaction and Continuance Intention
    3.1.2 Confirmation of Values and Satisfaction
3.2 Moderating Effect of Tie Strength
    3.2.1 Tie Strength and its Effect
    3.2.2 Tie Strength and its Contributory Antecedents
3.3 Perceived Critical Mass
3.4 Controlled Effects Chapter 4. Research Methodology
4.1 Research Design
4.2 Scale Development
4.3 Data Collection
    4.3.1 Survey Instrument
    4.3.2 Pilot Study
    4.3.3 Main Survey Chapter 5. Data Analysis and Results
5.1 Measurement Model
    5.1.1 Reliability and Convergent Validity
    5.1.2 Discriminant Validity
    5.1.3 Common Method Bias (CMB)
    5.1.4 Multicollinearity
5.2 Structural Model
    5.2.1 Test of the Research Model
    5.2.2 The Moderating Effect of Tie Strength Chapter 6. Discussions and Conclusions
6.1 Findings
6.2 Theoretical Implications
6.3 Practical Implications
6.4 Limitations and Future Research
6.5 Conclusions References Acknowledgement 在读期间发表的学术论文与取得的成果




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