本文关键词:北京市金融集聚及其外部辐射效应研究 出处:《北京交通大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:From the development of financial centers in the world, financial agglomeration is the only way. Beijing is one of the earliest financial agglomeration areas in China, but the existing research on financial agglomeration in Beijing area. There are two main aspects: the first is the analysis of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region or the three economic circles of the financial industry radiation or comparative analysis of some large cities when the financial industry agglomeration involved. Another aspect is to study some financial agglomeration areas in Beijing, such as CBD, financial industry agglomeration. Ignore geographical factors and some personality factors. This paper takes Beijing financial agglomeration and its radiation effect on the surrounding areas as the research object, this paper based on industrial agglomeration theory, financial center theory. Financial agglomeration and economic development theory and radiation theory on financial agglomeration and other existing research results. Firstly, from the banking, securities and insurance development aspects of the development of the financial industry in Beijing and the current situation of financial agglomeration in Beijing. Then by comparing the characteristics of financial agglomeration in Shanghai and Luxembourg, we find the characteristics of the formation of agglomeration in Beijing, finally from the location advantages, policy support and other aspects of Beijing can form the advantages of financial agglomeration and influence factors. Form a theoretical framework. On the basis of theoretical analysis, combined with the characteristics of the development of the financial industry, 19 variables are selected to build the measurement model and radiation effect model of financial agglomeration in Beijing. Innovative environmental factors. In the empirical part, select the data of 13 years from 2001 to 2013 in Beijing, use factor analysis to classify and score the influencing factors. Finally, the three main factors are economic and financial factors, infrastructure factors and environmental factors. In general, local financial revenue, total import and export, balance of deposits and loans of financial institutions at the end of the year, domestic listed companies. The number of college students, the number of mobile phones and the area of greening are the most important factors affecting the convergence of the financial industry. In the empirical radiation effect, the radiation region and the radiation intensity are two aspects. It is of practical significance to analyze the range and intensity of radiation effect in Beijing from 2001 to 2013.
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