发布时间:2018-06-16 13:09
本文选题:比特币 + 区块链 ; 参考:《山东大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:自20世纪90年代以来,互联网方兴未艾,逐步从高校、科研机构和政府部门进入普罗大众家中。基于互联网的应用服务,充分体现出了不同于传统服务的跨区域、高效率、低成本和个性化的特征和优势。金融行业是较早与互联网发生接触和碰撞的传统行业。银行、证券和保险业等在20世纪60年代就逐步用计算机自动化代替人工操作。在90年代中后期,我国银行业即基本实现全国范围的计算机处理联网、互联互通等。金融业与互联网深度融合的产物,就是当下以支付结算和融资中介为代表,如火如荼的互联网金融。网络支付是互联网金融的发展的先导。从早期的电子支票、银行卡到时下的第三方支付、电子货币,从传统形式的有线网络到无处不在的无线网络,个人终端支付活动的形式在不断变化。整个支付行业规模巨大:以我国第三方支付为例,从2010年到2012年,交易规模由3.2万亿激增到10.9万亿;截止2013年1月,以支付宝、微信支付为代表的第三方支付企业已达到223家。传统金融机构主导着电子支票和银行卡产业,而互联网公司的开拓则创造出各式各样的电子货币。作为电子货币中反传统的类型,以比特币为代表的密码学货币的发展更是备受瞩目。2008年11月1日,自称“中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)”的匿名用户(或组织),在密码学讨论组metzdowd.com上,发表论文《Bitcoin:A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》,正式定义比特币系统。5年后,2013年3月,比特币总市值超过10亿美元。众多投资人、研究人被其吸引,参与其中。2012年9月,以色列魏茨曼科学研究所的研究人员Dorit Ron和Adi Shamir发表论文,对比特币区块链上的交易信息做了量化统计工作。两位研究人员以2012年5月13日之前的数据为例,对比特币交易行为、用户信息做出了一定程度上的描述。本文在此工作的基础上继续探索,主要做了如下工作:通过混合使用MySQL和LevelDB数据库,设计了一个可以运行于个人电脑的比特币系统数据提取程序,可以提取包括区块、交易、地址在内的相关信息,并可以按照需要进行不同的统计工作。统计了2009年1月至2015年12月共7年中比特币系统产生的数据,内容包含区块难度、区块文件大小、区块包含交易数、用户数量变化,余额分布、参与交易次数、交易金额大小、交易费用等诸多内容,是目前比较完整的关于比特币系统的数据统计。以区块扩容问题为线索,对提取所得数据进行了分析和比较,探讨比特币系统矛盾之处。
[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, the Internet has been in the ascendant, gradually from universities, scientific research institutions and government departments into the general public home. The application service based on Internet fully embodies the characteristics and advantages of cross-region, high efficiency, low cost and individuation, which are different from traditional services. Financial industry is earlier and Internet contact and collision of the traditional industry. Banks, securities and insurance companies gradually replaced manual operations with computer automation in the 1960 s. In the middle and late 1990s, China's banking industry basically realized nationwide computer processing networking, interconnection and so on. The product of deep integration of financial industry and Internet is Internet finance, which is represented by payment settlement and financing intermediary. Network payment is the forerunner of the development of internet finance. From early electronic cheques, bank cards to current third-party payments, electronic money, from traditional wired networks to ubiquitous wireless networks, the form of personal terminal payment activity is constantly changing. The scale of the whole payment industry is huge: take our country's third-party payment as an example, from 2010 to 2012, the transaction scale soared from 3.2 trillion to 10.9 trillion; until January, 2013, the third-party payment enterprises represented by Alipay and WeChat Pay have reached 223. Traditional financial institutions dominate the electronic cheque and card industries, while Internet companies create all kinds of e-money. As an anti-traditional type of electronic currency, the development of cryptographic currency, represented by bitcoin, has attracted much attention. On November 1, 2008, anonymous users (or organizations) calling themselves "Satoshi Nakamototo Nakamototo," or "Satoshi Nakamototo," were posted on the cryptographic discussion Group metzdowd.com. The paper, "Bitcoin: a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash system", formally defines the Bitcoin system. Five years later, in March 2013, the total market value of Bitcoin exceeded $1 billion. Dorit Ron and Adi Shamir, researchers at the Weizman Institute of Science in Israel, published a paper in September 2012 to quantify trade information on the Bitcoin block chain. The two researchers used data from May 13, 2012 as an example, to describe the behavior of Bitcoin transactions and user information to a certain extent. On the basis of this work, this paper continues to explore, mainly doing the following work: by using MySQL and LevelDB database, a bitcoin system data extraction program which can run on personal computer is designed, which can extract blocks and transactions. Address including relevant information, and can be according to the need for different statistical work. From January 2009 to December 2015, the data generated by Bitcoin system were counted, including the difficulty of block, the size of block file, the number of transactions, the number of users, the distribution of balance, the number of transactions, the amount of transaction. Transaction costs and many other content, is the more complete data on the Bitcoin system statistics. Based on the cues of block expansion, the extracted data are analyzed and compared, and the contradictions of bitcoin system are discussed.
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