[Abstract]:This paper makes a detailed analysis of the relationship between stock price and house price in the major developed countries and emerging market countries, and brings CPI into the analysis framework of this paper. The trend decomposition is carried out by HP filter, and the correlation analysis is used to cross-verify the conclusion. Thus found and summarized the characteristic facts about asset price rotation. The main conclusions are as follows: first, in general, there is a negative correlation between stock price and house price in the same period, there is a certain "substitution" between historical house price and current stock price, there is a positive correlation between historical stock price and current house price, and there is staggered rise between historical stock price and current house price. Moreover, compared with the transmission of house price to stock price, the transmission of stock price to house price is more rapid. Second, in general, the rise in general commodity prices lags behind the two asset prices, which have a "wealth effect" and a "financial accelerator" effect on CPI. House prices fell sharply on all three measures; rose at the same time during the crisis recovery; and the synergy between developed countries was also significant in crisis situations, where the rise and fall were highly synchronized. Fourth, the characteristics of developed countries are similar, while emerging market countries are divided.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所;中国社会科学院研究生院;
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