[Abstract]:The study of financial exclusion started in Britain and other developed countries. Now more and more countries begin to pay attention to the phenomenon that the vulnerable groups are excluded by the mainstream financial services. On the personal level, the disadvantaged people are at a disadvantage in bank account ownership, savings, credit, risk management and so on; at the enterprise level, the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises is difficult. How to alleviate the problem of financial exclusion is also an important subject in China. This paper aims to achieve two goals through research: first, enrich the domestic research on financial exclusion, and provide a new idea for the construction of regional financial exclusion index; Secondly, through the calculation of the financial exclusion index and the in-depth analysis of the influencing factors, we can find out the significant influencing factors, thus providing policy support for alleviating the domestic financial exclusion problem. Based on the financial data of 31 provinces and autonomous regions in 2009-2015 and other macro-annual data, this paper makes an empirical analysis. When calculating the index, different from the classification dimension of financial exclusion, this paper selects the factors of construction index from the point of view of supply and demand, and uses the coefficient of variation as the weight of each component factor. The larger the financial exclusion index is, the more serious the financial exclusion is. When analyzing the influencing factors, this paper divides the comprehensive, resident and enterprise financial exclusion index into four sections, and draws the spatial distribution map to observe directly whether there is spatial correlation or not. And through Moran's I test and Local Moran scattered plot to verify. Then, this paper determines whether the cross-section data can be mixed in time series through the data mixability test, and then uses BSK to test its spatial correlation on the basis of panel data regression model. Choose the appropriate spatial measurement model to analyze whether the factors have a significant impact on financial exclusion. The empirical results show that: there are obvious regional differences and spatial correlation of regional financial exclusion in China; The higher the income level, the lower the degree of financial exclusion of local residents. At the same time, with the increase of Internet penetration rate and urbanization level, the financial exclusion of residents seems to be more serious. The better the business operation in this area, the lower the degree of financial exclusion of local enterprises. In order to alleviate the financial exclusion of residents, government departments should strive to improve the financial qualifications of local residents. In addition, in the process of popularization and urbanization of the Internet, strengthen the financial education of residents on the Internet and distribute financial resources rationally, so that the comprehensive influence will be turned to the side that is conducive to alleviating the financial exclusion; In order to alleviate the financial exclusion of enterprises, government departments can provide effective credit enhancement measures to prospective but temporarily troubled enterprises, making it easier for them to obtain financial services.
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