本文关键词:基于自然通风模拟的体育馆界面形态设计研究 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Due to the characteristics of large space gymnasium, consumption space volume more energy than ordinary buildings, which leads into the indoor air environment control equipment energy consumption accounted for a large proportion of operating consumption. Therefore, how to reduce the energy consumption, based on the use of natural ventilation to meet the gymnasium process and comfort requirements is the need to focus on considering the problem. Based on the previous research of comprehensive HVAC and building design professional knowledge, starting from the stadium and the shape of the interface of natural ventilation, internal coordination of exploration of the two, in order to provide for the follow-up study after sports building sustainable design in this paper. Based on the analysis of the stadium interface form as the research object, through reasonable the use of numerical simulation software, related simulation of different stadium and the shape of the interface of natural ventilation and use it as the basis The design of feasible countermeasures. First of all, a clear correlation between the natural ventilation and gymnasium design, choose Fluent as the experimental software and verify the feasibility of software. At the same time, to determine the experimental physical model, boundary conditions, discrete parameters and the roof shape and opening way as influence factors, the stadium process standard and comfort as the evaluation standard, construction the experimental system is reasonable and complete. Secondly, taking the roof shape and opening mode of two factors as variables were simulated experiments. The simulation experiment for taking the roof shape variables including stadium external wind pressure and wind speed, wind pressure and wind speed inside the stadium, the wind speed and the number of sampling points and so on. With the opening for experimental variables the main interface includes a top opening mode of wind pressure and wind speed, wind speed and side interface opening mode and so on. Finally, the simulated experimental data According to the analysis of gymnasium roof form, stadium opening mode design countermeasures. And choose the built stadium model carries on the improvement of design strategies based on the ventilation performance and then comparing the improved model with the original model to verify the feasibility of the design strategies. Research on stadium interface shape design based on the theory of natural ventilation, can reduce the stadium the energy consumption in a certain extent, improve the gymnasium and comfort. At the same time, also provide a certain reference value for the design of stadium sustainable building.
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