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发布时间:2018-01-03 20:18

  本文关键词:强夯法在山地高填方地基处理中的应用研究 出处:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 强夯法 高填方 地基处理 瑞雷面波法 平板载荷试验

[Abstract]:The dynamic compaction method was founded by the French Mena Menard Technology Company in 1969. It uses the crane to raise the weight hammer to a certain height so that it can fall freely to the strong impact and vibration of the foundation soil. In order to improve the strength of the foundation and reduce its compressibility, the dynamic compaction method is a widely used, economical and effective foundation treatment method, which is more and more widely used in engineering construction. In particular, with the acceleration of urbanization in China, the demand for urban construction land has increased significantly, and construction projects have expanded to the mountainous areas around the city. More and more mountain engineering construction will use this method for foundation treatment, therefore. It is of great theoretical significance and practical value to further study the treatment theory and application of dynamic compaction method for the treatment of high fill soil foundation in mountainous area. In this paper, the widely used foundation treatment methods, their applicable conditions, advantages and disadvantages are comprehensively discussed, and the reasons of using dynamic compaction method for high fill foundation treatment are emphatically explained. The dynamic compaction method has a wide range of application. The reinforcement effect is remarkable, the mechanical equipment is simple, the construction technology is simple, the construction material is saved and the cost is low, especially in the treatment of block stone. The paper expounds the construction technology characteristic and technological process of treating high fill foundation with dynamic compaction and emphatically analyzes the reinforcement mechanism of dynamic compaction method in Fuzhou Mawei Qinyuan. Spring. Shuianjun Mountain) Project for example. Design and determine the parameters of dynamic compaction, for the click ramming energy, tamping times, interval time, tamping point layout and spacing and other key construction technical parameters design, can not be determined solely by theoretical formula. It should be determined synthetically according to the design, construction experience, mechanical and equipment conditions and the actual situation of the site. Finally, this paper takes the spring of Mawei Qinyuan (Junshan Waterbank) project in Fuzhou as an example. Rayleigh wave surface is used to detect the effective reinforcement depth. The surface wave velocity isoline diagram and surface wave dispersion curve are drawn. Analysis of the causes and find out the law. The plate load test is applied to the test of the foundation bearing capacity of the project. The test results show that the project dynamic compaction method foundation treatment achieved the desired results. It can be used for reference for foundation treatment of similar engineering.


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