本文关键词:成都市东西向地域性文化景观走廊的构建策略 出处:《四川农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 成都 地域文化 景观走廊 策略 空间结构 文化弥散 文化圈
[Abstract]:As the sum of material civilization and spiritual civilization, regional culture evolves with time. As a carrier of regional culture, the interaction between urban cultural structure and physical state of urban space has a great influence on the formation and structure of urban space. Chengdu is a famous historical and cultural city and the first metropolis in western China. With the development of social economy, Chengdu expanded from the center of the city to the third ring and the third ring. At the same time. Urban development has also brought a series of criticism to Chengdu: the disappearance of urban spatial memory, the convergence of urban features, urban space construction imbalance, urban space image vulgar, urban spatial spirit decline. In view of the present situation of "one thousand cities and one appearance" in the major cities of China, the author will summarize the theory of urban accumulation and dispersion, the theory of urban spatial structure, the theory of system, and the theory of urban ecology. The theory of environmental psychology lays a theoretical foundation for exploring the construction strategy of Chengdu's cultural landscape corridor. Chengdu is represented by ancient Shu culture with strong regional cultural characteristics. Nearly 3,000 years have a long history of cultural heritage. Chengdu culture to the upper reaches of the Minjiang River as the development point, gradually migrated to the Chengdu Plain. In accordance with the previous cultural landscape structure of the construction of the foundation. And on the basis of historical records, this paper firstly takes Chengdu central city (main urban area, Sanhuan road) as the main research scope, combing the cultural landscape, and combing the spatial structure of Chengdu by the predecessors. This paper studies the relationship between the dispersion of urban culture and urban structure. It is found that the development of culture and urban structure is elastic in a long time scale. The development of urban spatial structure and the development of urban cultural structure match. In this study, through the in-depth study of Chengdu urban spatial structure and cultural development to find out the law of Chengdu cultural development: because of the river. And has a certain "stability of resilience". Through summarizing the correlation between the track of cultural dispersion and the city, on the basis of the analysis of the "Funan River" cultural landscape corridor status quo. Using this law of cultural dispersion, it is put forward that the cultural landscape corridor of "Funan River" has been cut into pieces by circular road, the public facilities of the corresponding corridor are lacking, the open space system is compressed by all kinds of land use, and the cultural landscape points are missing. Along the river traditional building impression weakness 5 deficiencies, targeted complement: use of plants to open the green corridor, add public facilities, control the landscape corridor area inner layer high, compensation green space. A new modern cultural landscape node is added to integrate the cultural landscape along the south river of the Chengdu Funan river, which has the most cultural bearing capacity in Chengdu, and take this as a typical case for the integration of the triple cultural circle under the influence of the Funan river in Chengdu. Put forward the strategy of the first layer of integration to comb the existing landscape. The second layer is added to repair the lack of cultural landscape in the east caused by the development of the spread cake in Chengdu. The third layer combs and protects the future development of the cultural landscape. In order to achieve the goal of the successful construction of the East-West Regional Cultural Landscape Corridor in Chengdu.
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