本文关键词:膜法处理核电站事故情况下应急生活饮用水研究 出处:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:After the Fukushima accident. The problem of removing nuclides from surface water contaminated by radiation in the vicinity of nuclear power station is brought about. Three nuclear accidents in the history of nuclear power development and their pollution to surface water near nuclear power station are reviewed in this paper. The main nuclides contaminated by surface water were 131I 137Cs 134Cs and 131I were short half-life nuclides. Its activity in surface water decreases rapidly in the short term. Conventional water treatment technology can be used to remove long life nuclide from surface water, but the removal effect is not good. The removal effect of target nuclides by nanofiltration membrane and reverse osmosis membrane is studied in this paper. Through the investigation of the characteristics, types and harm degree of the nuclides contained in surface water under the nuclear accident, the Co2 Cs was determined. Sr2 was used as the nuclide treatment object. The model and regularity of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis separation were also introduced while investigating the influencing factors of membrane treatment. Finally, the feasibility of removing nuclides released from simulated surface water by reverse osmosis combined process is discussed. The following conclusions are drawn from the experiment: 1) the plate type nanofiltration membrane device is used in the experiment. The effects of operating pressure, influent pH and shutdown time on Co2 Cs in non-radioactive simulated solution were investigated. The effect of Sr2 plasma rejection rate and conductivity. With the increase of the operating pressure of the plate nanofiltration membrane, the removal rate of target nuclides by nanofiltration membrane becomes larger. However, when the pressure increased to 1.2 MPA, the removal rate of nuclides by nanofiltration membrane decreased. When the pressure is 1 MPA, the removal rate of Co2 Cs ~ (2 +) Sr _ 2 by nanofiltration membrane is 98.5% and 95.44% ~ 98.4% respectively. Nanofiltration membrane was used to study the influent nuclide concentration and operating pressure by using TW30-1812 low pressure reverse osmosis membrane module. The influence of influent pH, inorganic ion interference and other factors on plasma rejection rate and effluent conductivity of Co2 Cs ~ (2 +) Sr _ 2 in non-radioactive simulated solution were investigated. The concentration of influent nuclides had little effect on the rejection rate of nuclides. With the increase of pH value of influent, the rejection rate of reverse osmosis membrane increased, and when pH9, the change of rejection rate of nuclide was slow. The change of influent Ca2 ion concentration had the greatest influence on Cs ion rejection, when the concentration of Ca2 ion increased to 250 mg / L. The retention rate of Cs ions decreased to 77.4%. 3) the combination of coagulation sedimentation, sand filtration, activated carbon and reverse osmosis membrane was used to treat simulated surface water, which can effectively reduce TOC. The optimum dosage of coagulant is 50 mg / L; The reverse osmosis membrane contributes the most to the reduction of TOC, the concentration of nuclide and the conductivity, and the removal rate of Co2 Cs and Sr2 is 99.8%, respectively. The TOC value in the water sample decreased from 7.19 mg / L to 0.148 mg / L after the treatment of the combined process.
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