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  本文关键词:海口市屋顶绿化植物的选择及应用 出处:《海南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 屋顶绿化 植物选择 层次分析法 植物景观配置

【摘要】:屋顶绿化是一种新型的城市绿化途径,它的出现不仅缓解了城市绿化用地紧张的问题,还能改善城市生态环境,并且提高建筑的使用寿命和节能效果。正是这些屋顶绿化的优点促使当前我国大中城市屋顶绿化发展较快。目前国内专家学者对屋顶绿化的研究主要集中在工程技术、栽培基质、植物筛选、生态效益等方面,其中工程技术、栽培基质的研究已经较为成熟,而针对屋顶绿化植物选择和评价的研究较少。以笔者学习、生活的海口市为例,海口市是国内休闲、度假的旅游大市,也是海南建设国际旅游岛的窗口城市,其城市绿化指标排在全国同类城市前列,但屋顶绿化发展较为缓慢,且相关研究较少。为此,本文通过对海口屋顶绿化进行调查,研究了海口屋顶绿化现状,屋顶绿化植物种类以及屋顶绿化植物配置。同时,针对海口市的实际情况,制定了屋顶绿化植物评价指标筛选体系和屋顶绿化植物评价体系,选择出一批综合评价较高的屋顶绿化植物,旨在为屋顶绿化设计者在选择屋顶绿化植物时,提供大致方向。在屋顶绿化植物的应用研究中,以植物种植形式和屋顶不同位置空间为研究对象,分析相关植物配置案例,推荐了一些综合评价分值较高的植物,为设计者提供一定的参考依据。 调查结果表明,海口屋顶绿化植物种类有122种,分属51科103属。其中乔木30种,占总种类的24.6%;灌木48种,占39.3%;藤本8种,占6.6%;草本36种,占29.5%。同时,海口屋顶绿化存在以下问题:1.屋顶绿化数量较少、类型单一;2.植物选择不当;3.部分屋顶花园养护、管理不善;4.海口相关法律法规、技术规范还需完善。 德尔菲专家咨询结果显示,参评者意见趋于一致,故删除耐涝能力(P3)、应用广泛程度(P5)、人文历史性(P19)指标。10个观赏性指标的优先度排序结果为:观赏特性(rl0)最佳观赏期(r9)株型(r8)花果色(r4)花果奇异度(r5)叶色(r1)叶面积(r3)花果数量(r6)叶形(r2)花果大小(r7),且r2、r6、r7指标优先度小于0.6。确定了生态适应性、观赏性、应用潜力共三方面共13个评价指标。在5分制法的基础上,通过理论分析、咨询专家和行业从业人员,对每个指标制定了相应的等级。本文的指标筛选体系和指标划分等级为海口绿化植物评价工作提供参考依据。 屋顶绿化植物评价体系中,准则层权重结果表明,生态适应性权重值最高达到了0.4871,观赏性权重0.3931,而应用潜力权重较低,为0.1198,说明屋顶绿化植物选择时首先应考虑其生态适应能力,并且具有较高的观赏价值和一定的应用潜力。 生态适应性单排序权重结果表明,耐高温能力最高,抗旱能力、抗风能力权重分别为0.3295、0.2477,说明适应海口屋顶绿化的植物首先需具备耐高温能力,其次耐旱能力和抗风能力也较为重要。 观赏功能单排序权重大小依次为观赏特性株型花果色最佳观赏期叶色花果奇异程度叶面积。观赏特性权重最高0.2622,株型权重次之,说明人们在观赏植物时,首先注重植物是否能观花、观叶、观果,并且株型紧凑、外形规整的乔、灌木,以及成片密集生长的藤、草本景观效果更好;而花果色和最佳观赏期的权重较为接近,两者也有一定联系,植物开花结果时也是其观赏的最佳时期;叶色和花果奇异程度权重较为接近,表明鲜艳亮丽或有季相变化的叶色,以及花果造型奇特的植物比较吸引人的眼球,可在植物景观中起点景的作用;而叶面积权重值最低,可适当的使用一些叶片较大的植物,使整体植物景观丰富多样。 植物应用潜力单排序权重结果表明,养护成本权重值最高,说明进行屋顶植物选择时,应先考虑其是否便于养护管理;购置成本权重次之,反应苗木的成本也是影响屋顶植物选择的重要因素之一;地域特色权重较低,适当使用本土植物和具有热带景观特色的植物能丰富植物景观效果。 对122种屋顶绿化植物进行灰色关联度排序。结果表明,乔木关联度大于0.65的有鸡蛋花、苏铁、红刺露蔸、槟榔共4种植物,可作为基调树种或骨干树种;灌木关联度大于0.65的有九里香、花叶假连翘、金叶假连翘、红花(?)木、假连翘、小叶龙船花、黄金榕、灰莉、红雀珊瑚、斑叶鹅掌柴共10种可作为基调树种或骨干树种;藤本植物中,五爪金龙和三角梅的植物综合评价较高;草本关联度大于0.65的有银纹沿阶草、长春花、虎尾兰、金边虎尾兰、金边龙舌兰、银边龙舌兰、文殊兰、蜘蛛兰、红龙草、草豆蔻、蚌兰共11种植物可推广使用。植物选择结果旨在为屋顶绿化设计者在选用植物时提供大致方向。 本文针对海口屋顶常见种植形式和屋顶不同空间,分析了植物配置案例,并推荐使用部分综合评价较高植物,为海口屋顶绿化植物景观设计工作提供一定的参考。
[Abstract]:Roof greening is a new way of urban greening , which not only alleviate the problem of urban green land shortage , but also improve the urban ecological environment and improve the service life and energy - saving effect of the buildings . The results showed that there were 122 species belonging to 51 families , belonging to 51 families and 103 genera . Among them , 30 species were arbor species , accounting for 24 . 6 % of the total species ; 48 species were shrubs , accounting for 39.3 % ; The results of the expert consultation in Delphi show that the opinions of the participants tend to be consistent . Therefore , the priority ranking results of the 10 ornamental indexes are as follows : the best viewing period ( r9 ) plant type ( r9 ) plant type ( r9 ) leaf area ( r9 ) leaf area ( r9 ) leaf area ( r9 ) leaf area ( r9 ) leaf area ( r3 ) leaf area ( r7 ) of the leaf color ( r1 ) leaf area ( r3 ) leaf area ( r7 ) . In the roof greening plant evaluation system , the weight value of the criterion layer indicates that the ecological adaptability weight value reaches 0.4871 , the ornamental weight is 0.3931 , and the application potential weight is low , and is 0.1198 , which indicates that the ecological adaptability of the roof greening plant should be considered first , and has higher ornamental value and certain application potential . The results showed that the weight of high temperature resistance , drought resistance and wind resistance were 0.3295 and 0.2477 , respectively . The weight of the ornamental function is 0.2622 and the weight of plant type is the second . It indicates that the plant can see flowers , leaves , fruits and plants , and has a close relationship with the weight of flowers and fruits . The results show that the weight value of conservation cost is the highest , and the cost weight is the second . The cost of the reaction seedling is also one of the most important factors that affect the selection of the roof plants ; the weight of regional features is low , and the local plants and the plants with tropical landscape characteristics can be used to enrich the plant landscape effect . The results showed that there were 10 kinds of plants which can be used as basic tree species or backbone tree species . The results showed that there were 10 kinds of plants which had high correlation degree > 0 . 65 . Among them , 10 kinds of plants could be used as basic tree species or backbone tree species . In view of the common planting form and different space of the roof , this paper analyzes the plant collocation cases , and recommends the use of some comprehensive evaluation higher plants to provide some reference for the landscape design work of the coastal roof greening plants .



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