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发布时间:2018-02-26 22:37

  本文关键词: 岩溶 框架结构 共同作用 结构抗震 地震破坏 出处:《广西大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:About 1/3 of China's land area distribution of karst geology, with the development of economy, more and more infrastructure will inevitably carry out construction in the karst area, according to the unique geological conditions in karst area, to carry out seismic research on karst area construction becomes more and more important. Now the seismic design method of the mainstream is still using the traditional design ideas that is the foundation, foundation, analysis of the seismic structure, but also the lack of research on the failure mechanism of the structure under the action of earthquake, so that the result of the research and the actual situation is out, can improve the seismic performance of buildings in Karst Area. Therefore, research on Karst building earthquake damage mechanism is very necessary in this article. Based on the results of previous studies, to study through the analysis of the interaction and the failure modes of karst foundation raft foundation frame structure The failure mechanism, the main work is: (1) summarizes the development of seismic theory, explains the research hotspots in the future is the idea of seismic design based on performance or displacement; by briefly summarizes development of plastic hinge on the destruction mechanism of reinforced concrete structure of the earthquake, the failure modes of main beam model column and beam column hinge model, mixed hinge model. (2) respectively from the three aspects of analysis method of foundation, foundation and superstructure to elaborate the principle of interaction analysis method, foundation stiffness and foundation stiffness and the upper layers of the structure can affect the response of the interaction system of the earthquake, choose the right the foundation, foundation, seismic performance of the structure system of the upper structure parameters can be enhanced. (3) summarizes the karst foundation, characteristics of earthquake damage in karst area and building aseismic capacity measures. Karst area are widely distributed and easy Is the carbonate dissolved in water and soil of the red clay layer containing hole, reduces the bearing capacity of foundation, karst prone to karst collapse in the earthquake, ground fissure hazards such as construction safety hazards, and karst area of low rise building since the predominant period of the vibration cycle is close to earthquake prone to greater damage. To improve the seismic capacity of buildings in karst area, the main characteristics of karst to try to avoid the low bearing capacity of the site, or to the karst foundation treatment in order to improve the bearing capacity of the foundation. (4) the interaction model of karst foundation raft foundation -12 layer frame structure, the interaction of non karst soil raft foundation the -12 layer frame structure model and without considering the solid base of raft foundation -12 layer frame structure model. The first comparison of karst foundation assumption and non karst foundation when the seismic response of the superstructure, the results show that considering rock Solution when the foundation of the calculation of the upper structure is greater than the considered non karst foundation; and then compare the interaction model and the solid base of the seismic response of the assumed model. The calculation results show that the interaction of the model results than the solid base of the assumed model. This means that the consideration of the karst foundation role and consider with the interaction design method can make the structure under earthquake action when on the safe side. (5) the seismic response analysis by the solid base of raft foundation on karst foundation raft foundation -5 layer frame structure model and the corresponding -5 layer frame structure of the assumed model, drew the following conclusions: in the earthquake, the interaction model of the drift angle the peak and floor displacement are larger than the solid base of the assumed model, and the layer displacement angle exceeds the peak specification of the elastic limit, entered the plastic stage, with the destruction of danger. This shows that the traditional The solid base of assumed design methods ignore the risk structure in elastic-plastic state, are more likely to cause damage to the structure of the earthquake; under rare earthquake, the two models of seismic wave loading at the end of the floor displacement and inter story displacement angle peak is not much difference, but did not exceed the specification limits the interaction the design method of change contributes little to the seismic performance of the structure under rare earthquake; two model under rare earthquake, most of its members will enter the elastic-plastic state, respectively, to study the plastic zone of the process of their development, we can see that the development of plastic zone interaction model with the yield mechanism of strong column weak beam ", and the solid base of frame column of the assumed model showing too much plastic zone, frame columns under too much seismic energy to be more prone to damage. Therefore, the interaction design method can to a certain extent. The mechanical performance of the structure is optimized and the seismic performance of the structure is strengthened.



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