本文选题:西南山地 切入点:历史城镇 出处:《西部人居环境学刊》2015年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:"Cultural landscape" as a reflection of people (subject) and nature (object) interaction, dynamic association of landscape, the concept first originated from the Western cultural geography.1992 annual World Heritage Committee as a heritage object into the world heritage category, emphasizes the interpretation and cultural heritage with historical heritage from value meaning layer. As a new cultural landscape heritage, breaking the traditional "nature and humanity", "tangible intangible", "protection and development" two yuan of epistemological limitations, emphasizing a comprehensive, holistic, dynamic cognition and way of thinking to understand the historical landscape object, led the world re understanding of the problem of heritage world heritage authenticity and integrity, but also to protect the history of China's urban landscape, shape regional characteristics and sustainable development of traditional residential environment opened up new horizons for the purpose of this paper is to. Cut into the analysis of the relationship between history of urban space culture in cultural landscape from the perspective of practical problems, deal with the current regional cultural characteristics under the background of rapid urbanization in Southwest China suffered the impact of modernization; the composite, dynamic way, the historic town of southwest mountainous landscape as a cultural object to study the protection methods of innovative exploration in this. The purpose, based on the theoretical research, three plate research and application were put forward "construction of urban space between the historical culture landscape from the perspective of theoretical analysis and research framework", "process and dynamic mechanism of" refining southwest historic town culture in mountainous area and landscape evolution, the three aspects of the specific goal of innovation in this region the protection of historical urban renewal strategy ", three methods of innovation and the formation of this article focuses on the above-mentioned goals. From the research area, this paper The main focus of the southwest mountainous region in the southwest region in Sichuan, Chongqing, cloud, expensive four province as the core, direct construction in a rugged environment of mountains or hilly areas of the town for the mountain in the background object environment. In the study, the region within the scope of the 45 historic towns, villages were based on field investigation on this paper selects the Sichuan Xian City, Langzhong, Zigong, Chongqing City, Ciqikou, Xituo, Yunnan Dali, Lijiang, and Guizhou dukezong, Nuo Deng Zhenyuan, Qingyan, Zhaoxing 13 southwestern historical cities and villages as the typical case of the cultural landscape. In view. The town is similar to a "organic evolution landscape". As a historical town, it has a "material" and "culture" of the dual attribute; as a mountainous town, it also presents the feature of "artificial fusion" and "natural"; as the evolution of towns, villages and towns can be merged Different stages of the development of the state for the town in the river of time. From the research point of view, the main part of the article is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter "Introduction" is put forward on the research topic; the second chapter "the concept of cultural landscape heritage value and Enlightenment" is a summary of the theoretical background and present problems; the third chapter of historical research methods from the perspective of urban cultural landscape construction is the theoretical framework of this paper research; the fourth chapter "the historical background and development of the southwest mountainous towns cultural type comb" are the selection of carding and case study of urban geographical background; the fifth, sixth chapter "the Southwest Mountainous historic towns landscape evolution analysis" and "extraction" in Southwest China the mountain historical towns cultural motive mechanism is selected and the theory construction of third, fourth chapters based on the case studies based on case in southwest mountainous towns; finally, the seventh chapter "from the perspective of cultural landscape Southwest Mountain historical towns protection method "is the theoretical foundation of this research and a practical exploration based on. Through the above analysis, the article constructs the historic town" cultural space time "multidimensional analysis framework, the research methods of history of the town from the aspect of theoretical research and innovation; in the method under the guidance of through the analysis of typical cases in each stage of regional urban landscape commonness and characteristics, the article sums up the primary historical town of Southwest Mountainous poly nuclear differentiation, development, mature tissue degeneration," the evolution of the law, and the "living, function, history, the spirit of" culture of urban landscape "silent, leading, traction," the penetration power mechanism, enrich the content about environmental infrastructure built the historic town of the area; finally, based on the above research, this paper puts forward "cultural landscape" historic town co evolution living protection strategy, the history of the city The evolution rule and dynamic mechanism of town landscape, as the direction of urban reality and future development, have innovated the protection methods of historic towns, and strengthened the practical significance of theory and basic research.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学;
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