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发布时间:2018-03-24 16:19

  本文选题:BIM 切入点:绿色建筑分析 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国建筑工业化脚步的加快和经济的飞速发展,近些年来BIM技术的应用发展受到了国家和行业内的广泛关注,掀起了一股研究和推进BIM应用发展的热潮,使得建筑行业遵循BIM技术发展成为必然的趋势。BIM技术作为贯穿于建筑全寿命周期应用的核心技术,虽然实现了部分专业之间的参数共享、协同工作,但是目前不同专业之间的软件之间的数据传递仍然存在着一些障碍。BIM模型是建筑信息的重要载体,也是各个专业软件之间信息传递的重要桥梁。随着全球能源消耗增加和温室效应的加剧,绿色建筑设计和建筑碳排放量的计算也受到了越来越多的重视,将BIM应用于绿色建筑设计领域和建筑碳排放量计算领域也具有极为重要的意义。本文以工程项目龙珠八路西政府保障性住房为研究对象,基于BIM建立了详细的Revit模型,通过计算机编程对Revit进行二次开发,从BIM模型中提取模型信息并且导入至绿色建筑模拟分析软件Ecotect中进行采光仿真模拟,实现BIM模型信息的传输,并与传统的采光模拟进行准确率和效率的对比,体现BIM技术的优势;通过Revit编程进行二次开发程序插件对Revit模型进行简化或者修改等前处理之后,利用编写的格式转换程序进行格式转换并将模型导入到ICEM CFD中进行网格划分,最终将处理好的模型导入到Fluent中进行室内通风模拟分析;通过二次开发Revit插件程序对Revit模型进行工程量统计,并利用统计的工程量数据结合碳排放计算的方法进行碳排放计算,并通过实际项目的计算实例进行钢结构与混凝土结构对比分析。研究表明,通过对基于Revit的采光仿真模拟的相关程序的二次开发,在保证模拟分析的结果误差在0.45 DF%之内,基于BIM的采光模拟效率相对传统方式提高了63%;通过本文开发的模型简化程序处理模型的方法比通过Revit手动简化处理方法和通过CAD重新建模的方法的效率分别高出了92%和98%,更重要的是将绿色建筑设计与BIM相结合贯穿到了建筑全寿命周期的应用之中。通过对工程量统计以及碳排放量计算的研究,开发了基于Revit的统计工程量及碳排放量计算的程序,通过程序对实例项目进行应用,对比分析的结果表明:由于钢材的可回收性,户型完全相同的高层建筑钢结构比混凝土剪力墙结构的碳排放要小很多,更符合低碳环保的要求。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the pace of construction industrialization and the rapid development of economy, the application and development of BIM technology has been widely concerned by the country and industry in recent years, which has set off an upsurge of research and promotion of BIM application development. It is an inevitable trend for the construction industry to follow the development of BIM technology. BIM technology is the core technology that runs through the application of building life cycle, although it realizes the parameter sharing and collaborative work among some specialties. However, at present, there are still some obstacles in the data transfer between different specialties. BIM model is an important carrier of building information. As global energy consumption increases and Greenhouse Effect intensifies, more and more attention is paid to green building design and the calculation of building carbon emissions. It is also of great significance to apply BIM to the field of green building design and the calculation of building carbon emissions. In this paper, a detailed Revit model is established based on BIM, which is based on the research object of the supported housing of the west government of Longzhu Baxi Road, an engineering project. Through the secondary development of Revit by computer programming, the model information is extracted from the BIM model and imported into the green building simulation and analysis software Ecotect for daylighting simulation to realize the transmission of BIM model information. Comparing with the accuracy and efficiency of the traditional daylighting simulation, the advantages of BIM technology are reflected. After simplifying or modifying the Revit model through Revit programming, the secondary development program plug-in is used to simplify or modify the Revit model. The model is imported into ICEM CFD for grid division, and the processed model is imported into Fluent for indoor ventilation simulation analysis. Through the second development of Revit plug-in program to carry on the project quantity statistics to the Revit model, and use the statistical engineering quantity data to combine the carbon emission calculation method to carry on the carbon emission calculation, The comparison and analysis of steel structure and concrete structure are carried out through the calculation examples of the actual project. The results show that the error of simulation results is within 0.45% through the secondary development of the relevant program of daylighting simulation simulation based on Revit. Compared with traditional methods, the efficiency of daylighting simulation based on BIM has been improved 63 times, and the efficiency of simplifying the model by using the model developed in this paper is higher than that of manual simplification by Revit and remodeling by CAD, respectively. 92% and 98%, and more importantly, the combination of green building design and BIM has been applied throughout the life cycle of the building. The program of calculating the quantity of engineering quantity and carbon emission based on Revit is developed, and the program is applied to the example project. The results of comparison and analysis show that because of the recoverability of steel, The carbon emission of the steel structure of the same type high-rise building is much smaller than that of the concrete shear wall structure, which is more in line with the requirements of low carbon environmental protection.


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