本文选题:二氧化碳 切入点:碳排放系数 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着工业化进程的加快,以二氧化碳为主的温室气体排放导致的全球气候变化日益影响人类生存与发展。其中,建筑业每年直接或间接产生的二氧化碳排放量占全球产业总排放量的36%。因此,对建筑物生命周期碳排放进行度量,并以此制定减少资源与能源消耗的措施尤为重要。对于建筑物的碳排放度量方法,除采用投入-产出法、产业关联表法等宏观手段之外,多采用碳排放系数法。该方法基于合理的计算公式对建筑物生命周期各阶段碳排放进行加权计算,操作简便、适用范围广,但其结果的精确程度主要依赖于完备的碳排放因子数据。目前,国内外流行的建筑物环境影响相关数据库与计算工具包括:美国标准参考数据(SRD)、英国碳排放与能源数据清单数据库(ICE)、加拿大雅典娜生命周期计算软件(Athena)、美国经济投入-产出生命周期评价工具(EIO-LCA)、美国生命周期清单数据库(NREL)和中国生命周期基础数据库(CLCD)等。但是,以上数据库存在不足:首先,将建筑物碳排放度量作为各项环境影响指标中的一部分且比重较小,缺乏针对性;其次,数据库中的数据大多年代久远,时效性差;再者,数据大多来源于国外相关统计,不符合我国建筑业现状,地域性差;最后,对建筑物碳排放的计算只考虑了某阶段或某几类建材,并没有从建筑物全生命周期阶段进行度量,完整性不足。综上,本文拟建立一个中国本土化、数据相对完整、可实现自动化计算、数据较新的建筑物生命周期碳排放因子库查询与计算系统。在对建筑物生命周期阶段划分、度量方法和度量标准等三个方面进行剖析后,确定研究方法与技术路线如下:首先,定义碳排放因子概念,明确建筑物碳排放度量的系统边界和过程边界。依据生命周期各个阶段的直接与间接碳排放影响因素,确定能源、建材生产、交通运输和机械设备等四类建筑物生命周期碳排放因子类别。在此基础上参考碳排放系数法提出本文的建筑物生命周期碳排放计算方法,通过学者研究、国家标准、年鉴等资料搜集与整合各类碳排放因子数据。然后,以SQLite 3.0作为建筑物碳排放因子数据库平台,以Qt 4.7作为用户图形界面,以Windows系统作为操作平台,构建《建筑物生命周期碳排放因子库系统》。该系统的主要功能模块包括:数据导入与导出、碳排放因子查询与编辑、建筑物生命周期碳排放量的计算等。同时,该系统也具备注册与登录功能,保障了系统的个性化和安全性;预留二次开发接口,为后续研究打下了良好基础;汉语分词系统,提高了数据识别和搜索能力等。进而,为验证《建筑物生命周期碳排放因子库系统》在实际工程中的可行性,以南京市某住宅建筑为例,计算从建材生产到建筑物拆除和建材回收各个阶段以及整个生命周期的碳排放量。结果展示了建筑物各阶段的碳排放量和排放比例,并分析了每个阶段的具体排放情况,提出相应的减排措施。最后,本文分析了研究中存在的不足与待改进之处,更多、更新、更精确的碳排放因子需要随时进行补充与更新;展望了未来的研究方向,即:建立、健全我国本土化的建筑物碳排放因子数据库。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the industrialization process, the emission of greenhouse gases caused by global climate change increasingly affecting human survival and development. Among them, the construction industry annual carbon dioxide emissions directly or indirectly accounted for the global industry's total emissions of 36%. therefore, building life cycle carbon emissions were measured, and thus the development of reduced resources and the energy consumption of the measures is particularly important. The building carbon emissions measurement methods, in addition to using the input-output method, outside the industry association table macro means, using carbon emission coefficient method. The method of weighted emissions on different stages of the life cycle of building carbon rational calculation formula based on simple operation, wide application range but, the accuracy of results depends on the carbon emission factor data complete. At present, the building of environmental impact at home and abroad popular related database and The calculation tools include: American Standard reference data (SRD), the UK carbon emissions and energy data list database (ICE), Canada Athena life cycle calculation software (Athena), the U.S. economy input-output life cycle assessment tool (EIO-LCA), the life cycle inventory database (NREL) and Chinese life cycle database (CLCD). However, the above databases have some deficiencies: first, the influence of building carbon emission measurement as indicators in the environment of a part and a smaller proportion, lack of pertinence; secondly, the data in the database are mostly old, poor timeliness; moreover, the data is mostly derived from foreign related statistics, does not conform to the status quo of China's construction industry and the regional difference; finally, the calculation of building carbon emission is considered only a stage or a few types of building materials, and no measure from the building life cycle stage, lack of integrity In summary, this paper intends to set up a China localization, relatively complete data, can realize the automatic calculation, building the new data of the life cycle carbon emission factor database query and calculation system. In the division of the building life cycle stage, analyze the measure methods and measure three aspects, determine the research methods and technical route are as follows: firstly, the definition of carbon emission factor concept, clear boundary and the process of building carbon emission measurement system. The energy boundary determined on the basis of direct and indirect carbon emissions of various stages of the life cycle factors, building materials production, transportation and mechanical equipment and other four kinds of building carbon emission factors of life cycle categories. On the basis of carbon discharge coefficient method proposed building life cycle carbon emissions calculation method by scholars, national standard, yearbook data collection and integration of various types of carbon Put the factor data. Then, using SQLite 3 as the building carbon emission factor database platform, using Qt 4.7 as a graphical user interface to the Windows system as the operating platform, the main function modules of "building life cycle carbon emission factor database system. The system includes: data import and export, carbon emission factor and query editor the building life cycle carbon emissions calculation. At the same time, the system also has the function of registration and login security, personalization and security of the system; set aside two interface for subsequent research has laid a good foundation; Chinese word segmentation system, improve data recognition and search capability. Then, in order to verify the feasibility" building life cycle carbon emission factor database system "in the actual engineering, in a residential building in Nanjing city as an example, calculated from the production of building materials to the building demolition and building materials recovery stages And the whole life cycle carbon emissions. The results show the carbon emissions and emission ratio of each stage of the building, and analyses the specific emissions of each stage, put forward the corresponding mitigation measures. Finally, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the research and improvements, more updated, more accurate carbon emission factor the need to supplement and update; research direction in the future, which is to establish and improve China's localization, building carbon emission factor database.
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