本文选题:圆钢管相贯节点 + 角焊缝应力 ; 参考:《南京工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In this paper , the stress distribution , strain development law and the influence factors of the intersecting joint of the T - shaped circular steel tube are discussed . The stress distribution , the development and the influence factors of the fillet weld are discussed .
In this paper , the maximum and minimum mean stress of the intersecting angle welding seam of the tension branch pipe is the saddle point and the heel point . The maximum and minimum mean stress of the fillet weld joint is smaller . The stress distribution , development and the influence factors of the angle weld are analyzed .
When the connection angle of the main pipe and branch pipe is 45 掳 and 37.5 掳 , the maximum and minimum mean stress of the intersecting angle welding seam of the supported pipe are respectively the crown point and heel point ;
When the connection angle of the main pipe and branch pipe is 30 掳 and 22.5 掳 , the maximum and minimum mean stress of the intersecting angle welding seam of the supported pipe are respectively the crown point and saddle point . When the connection angle of the main pipe and branch pipe is 90 掳 , 75 掳 , 60 掳 and 45 掳 , the maximum and minimum mean stress of the intersecting angle welding seam of the compression branch pipe are saddle points and heel points , respectively ;
In this paper , the maximum and minimum mean stress of the intersecting angle welding seam of T - shaped circular steel tube are studied by using the calculation theory of the bending bearing capacity of T - shaped circular steel tube intersecting node . The failure mode , the strain development law and the bending bearing capacity of T - shaped circular steel tube are discussed .
In the test , the strain development of the main pipe under pressure is faster , and when the load of the node is close to the ultimate bearing capacity , the local buckling of the pressure side of the T - shaped intersecting node is obvious ;
At the same time , the non - linear finite element simulation of the intersecting node is carried out , the failure mode of the node is analyzed , and the bearing capacity and the test are in good agreement . Based on the experimental research and the nonlinear finite element simulation , the main influencing factors of the bending bearing capacity of the intersecting node are investigated , and the calculation theory of the bending bearing capacity of the node is proposed .
The calculation values of the bearing capacity of the joints are in good agreement with those of the overseas codes and the finite element simulation values are in good agreement with each other .
In the test , the strain development near the compression side stiffening rib is faster . When the load of the node approaches the ultimate bearing capacity , the local buckling of the obvious depression near the compression side of the node is locally buckled , while the external buckling of the stiffening rib is unstable ;
Based on the non - linear finite element simulation , the paper studies the influence of stiffened rib arrangement way and size on the bending bearing capacity and puts forward a reasonable arrangement mode of stiffening rib . Finally , the research work of this paper is summarized and summarized , and the research subject to be further resolved in the future is put forward .
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